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The GitHub Blog. Dusty's Diverse Domain. Welcome to the final part of this series on creating a working Jabber client in Kivy. While there are numerous things we could do with our code to take it to Orkiv version 2, I think it’s currently in a lovely state that we can call “finished” for 1.0. In this article, we’re going to talk about releasing and distributing Kivy to an Android mobile device. We’ll use a tool called buildozer that the Kivy developers have written. These commands will, in the future, extend to other operating systems. We aren’t going to be writing a lot of code in this part (some adaptation to make it run on android is expected). Remember to create and activate a virtualenv populated with the appropriate dependencies, as discussed in part 1. Table Of Contents Here are links to all the articles in this tutorial series: Restructuring the directory Back in Part 1, we chose to put all our code in so that we could run it from a zip file or directly from the directory.

I’m not overly happy about this. AI Computer Vision: Scala vs. Haskell vs. Python. Functional programming is on the upswing, but should you bet your career on it, or is it a short-lived technology fad? I have long wanted to use functional programming professionally and for the last year I have. Mainly Scala, written in Haskell style, plus some real Haskell programming. Here is my impression of Scala and Haskell compared to my benchmark language, Python.

Scala Scala is a functional object oriented hybrid language running on the JVM. Issues It is very complexIt is a kitchen sink languageConfusing to keep Scala collections and parallel Java collections apart Eclipse Plugin Scala IDE for Eclipse The Scala Eclipse plugin is very solid, but not quite as good as the fantastic Java support. Syntax highlighting Code completionDebuggerShows compile errors with explanationRudimentary refactoringJump to definition Monad and Applicative Functor Two very important concepts in functional programming are monad and applicative functor. Scalaz Haskell There is a steep learning curve for Haskell. Sylvain Zimmer | Blog. Two weeks ago, while waiting for my flight to San Francisco at an airport in Paris I stumbled on a coding challenge by NASA to optimize the solar arrays of the International Space Station. I’ll let the video explain: Being very interested in Optimization for my soon-to-be-unveiled new startup, I was quite excited and promptly downloaded all the required material to spend my 10-hour flight hacking ;-) The rules forbid talking about code while the contest is running but since it just finished, I would like to share how I built my solution with tools like OpenOpt, EC2 Spot Instances and MongoDB.

Disclaimer: Shortly after landing I was the top Python solution and 10th overall but I couldn’t spend enough time on my code while abroad to stay that high in the charts. Final rankings are due this Friday so this is not a post describing the optimal solution but I hope it will be somewhat entertaining for Python coders and others. The contest My solution Pointing to the sun Panels pointing to the sun. Eventually Coding. Java Bien! Testing Private Methods with JUnit and SuiteRunner. Testing Private Methods with JUnit and SuiteRunnerby Bill VennersMay 24, 2004 Page 1 of 3 >> Summary This article compares four different approaches to testing private methods in Java classes.

My very first use of JUnit was to build a conformance test kit for the ServiceUI API [1]. The purpose of a conformance test kit is to help ensure that alternate implementations of the same API are compatible with the API's specification. When I later applied JUnit to the task of writing actual unit tests, as opposed to conformance tests, I found myself wanting to write white box tests—tests that employ knowledge of the internal implementation of the packages and classes under test. Daniel Steinberg [2] showed me the common JUnit technique of using parallel source code trees, which allowed me to place test classes in the same package as the classes under test, but keep them in a different directory.

Don't test private methods. The Artima Developer Community. Where are Docker images stored? - Lounge Scene. If you're just starting out with Docker, it's super easy to follow the examples, get started and run a few things. However, moving to the next step, making your own Dockerfiles, can be a bit confusing. One of the more common points of confusion seems to be: Where are my Docker images stored? - Everyone I know this certainly left me scratching my head a bit. Checkout my awesome new Docker image thoward/i_have_no_idea_what_im_doing. Yeah. Even worse, for quite a while there was no way to delete something that you had published, so your shamefully awkward learning process was up there for good. So let me start with this small assurance; Nothing you do will become public especially if: You haven't made an account on the public index.You haven't run docker login to authenticate via the command-line client.You don't run docker push, to push an image up to the index.

Vocabulary One of the things that contributes to much of the confusion around Docker is the language that's used. Image vs Dockerfile. Archives. JS Attitude : formations JavaScript qualitatives et sympathiques. Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts : David Many people hack together shell scripts quickly to do simple tasks, but these soon take on a life of their own. Unfortunately shell scripts are full of subtle effects which result in scripts failing in unusual ways. It’s possible to write scripts which minimise these problems. In this article, I explain several techniques for writing robust bash scripts. How often have you written a script that broke because a variable wasn’t set? I know I have, many times. chroot=$1 ... rm -rf $chroot/usr/share/doc If you ran the script above and accidentally forgot to give a parameter, you would have just deleted all of your system documentation rather than making a smaller chroot.

David% bash /tmp/ $chroot= david% bash -u /tmp/ /tmp/ line 3: $1: unbound variable david% Every script you write should include set -e at the top. Using -e gives you error checking for free. Command if [ "$? " could be replaced with command || { echo "command failed"; exit 1; } or. Fear Those Tiers. Udi Dahan December 2007 Summary: Tiers and networks are not to be taken lightly, in any architecture. This article chronicles the author's journey toward a robust and scalable architecture. (7 printed pages) Contents IntroductionCanned AnswersBack to the Drawing BoardDistribution Trumps OOConclusionCritical-Thinking QuestionsFurther StudyGlossary Introduction I was horrified: My beautiful tiered architecture was buckling under the stress tests—at one tenth of the expected load of the system.

The only redeeming thing about this situation was that I had learned the hard way to do performance tests early in the project; with that skill mastered, I thought that there might still be enough time to save the situation. Since then, I've learned that tiers and networks are not to be taken lightly, in any architecture. Canned Answers Anyway, object-orientation (OO) was the religion of the day, and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) was the language that we spoke.

Back to the Drawing Board Conclusion. Fielding Dissertation: CHAPTER 1: Software Architecture. [Top] [Prev] [Next] In spite of the interest in software architecture as a field of research, there is little agreement among researchers as to what exactly should be included in the definition of architecture. In many cases, this has led to important aspects of architectural design being overlooked by past research.

This chapter defines a self-consistent terminology for software architecture based on an examination of existing definitions within the literature and my own insight with respect to network-based application architectures. Each definition, highlighted within a box for ease of reference, is followed by a discussion of how it is derived from, or compares to, related research. 1.1 Run-time Abstraction At the heart of software architecture is the principle of abstraction: hiding some of the details of a system through encapsulation in order to better identify and sustain its properties [117]. 1.2 Elements 1.2.1 Components 1.2.2 Connectors 1.2.3 Data 1.3 Configurations 1.4 Properties.

Votr | Twilio Cloud Communications Blog.