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Ultimate Workout for Belly Fat Loss - Cardio and Abs Workout. Feng Shui for the bedroom. 11 Ways To Improve romance in the bedroom Written By Michael Hanna You probably know by now my views on books written on Feng Shui, some good but most are bad or inaccurate. Many books will recommend Mandarin ducks or a Dragon headed Tortoise for love or romance but which is correct? There is so much misinformation out there and this can cause problems for many people who are trying to get results whether for the bedroom, wealth, romance, or health. 1: Fresh cut and dried flowers; actually this applies to any part of the home or office.

Back to flowers, well actually dried flowers, this one always makes me laugh, with the exception of a few books every one will tell you DO NOT have dried flowers in your home or office, no exceptions, no dried flowers, pot pourri or anything that was once a living entity in a garden. ‘Nothing that was living’, so what about all your wooden furniture, doors, floorboards, kitchen cupboards, window frames, doorframes, wooden ornaments etc. etc. etc. How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body. Get in Touch With Your Hidden Narcissist. When we think of narcissism, we think of the clinical condition in which people show excessive levels of such qualities as self-love, grandiosity, and entitlement. Many true narcissists become enraged when other people fail to recognize and admire them because they expect that everyone thinks as highly of them as they do of themselves.

However, some people with narcissistic personality disorder base their desire for attention on an overly low sense of self-esteem. Though the causes are different, the results are the same in that these individuals constantly seek attention, have overly shallow relationships, and exploit the people they know. Narcissism can stem from a number of sources, particularly when it’s of the non-pathological form. Egocentrism , the tendency to see things from your own point of view, can lead you to engage in narcissistic behaviors in which you develop blinders to the needs of other people.

Try this out for yourself. 1. Now you’re going to take another test. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Brown Pigmentation On The Upper Lip. Skin of all types and colors can develop areas of irregular pigmentation. However, as your skin ages, you become more prone to brown spots or splotches. African-Americans, in particular, can experience a condition known as hyperpigmentation, which causes brown patches to appear on the skin.

Both of these discolorations can often be lightened with certain creams and are not serious medical problems. If you notice a suspicious-looking or sudden brown spot, however, consult a dermatologist. Age spots, also known as liver spots, are flat areas of brown pigmentation that show up on your hands, chest and face, including your upper lip. A lifetime of sun exposure can result in age spots, says the American Academy of Dermatology. You can fade age spots by applying a retinoid cream prescribed by your doctor. Age spots and hyperpigmentation can often be confused for melanoma, a type of skin cancer. How To Lose Pigmentation Of The Lips. Skin discoloration, or hyperpigmentation, can leave you with unattractive dark areas on your face.

When the hyperpigmentation occurs on your upper lip, the condition is called melasma. Although caffeine and nicotine use, as well as genetic predisposition, can play a role, the two major causes of melasma are sun exposure and hormones; in fact, melasma is sometimes referred as "the mask of pregnancy. " According to the Bioskin Refiner website, an estimated 6 million people -- 90 percent of them women -- suffer from melasma.

Fortunately, there are treatments -- both natural botanical lighteners and prescription medicines -- that can significantly lighten and brighten the skin on the upper lip. Combine 1/8 cup of fresh lemon juice, 1/8 cup of honey and 1/8 cup of plain yogurt, stir well and apply to your upper lip for 30 minutes once a day for six weeks. The ascorbic acid in the lemon juice works as a natural lightener. Use a cream containing licorice root extract.