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(216) Leigh Fatzinger's answer to Steve Jobs: Was Malcolm Gladwell right to say that Steve Jobs will be forgotten in 50 years. Self-Employed to Employee: Making the Switch. There are plenty of benefits to working for yourself.

Self-Employed to Employee: Making the Switch

The flexibility, the autonomy, the ability to build something: All are great lures for those who like the challenge of an entrepreneurial business. However, the same factors that attract people to self-employment can also become a burden. Autonomy can mean having no one to bounce ideas off. Flexibility means you can take time off during the week, but you may also find yourself working through the weekend. And when you need to spend as much time marketing your business as you do working with existing clients, you might wonder if the grass is greener on the other side of the cubicle. In addition, the economic downturn has stalled business growth, prompting business owners to trade autonomy for a steady paycheck.

The employer is concerned about the entrepreneur's experience as well as his intentions, said Caroline Ceniza-Levine, a partner at SixFigureStart, a career-coaching firm based in New York. Going rogue? That makes sense, Hall said. Inspiration. This EFL lesson is based on the theme of inspiration and inspirational quotes in films.


Language level: Upper-intermediate (B2.1) – Advanced (B2.2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Watching three videos, listening Topic: Inspiration, inspirational quotes and happiness Language: Inspirational quotes Material: Three short videos, video transcript and answer sheet Downloadable material: inspiration lesson instructions 40 inspirational film quotes transcript inspirational quotes will smith interview sheet Step 1 Ask your students if they can think of any inspiring quotes or speeches from films.

Step 2 tell your students they are going to watch a short video in which there are 40 inspiring quotes in 2 minutes. Do you recognise any of the films? Merchandising Service Agents near TIRUPUR HO, Tirupur, India. Statewise List of Engineering Colleges in India with Address. Reel Life Wisdom - Character. 100 Hottest Pictures of Girls from Online T-Shirt Stores. Want High Engagement on Facebook? Offer Coupons [STUDY] Maybe General Motors should have tried offering coupons on Facebook.

Want High Engagement on Facebook? Offer Coupons [STUDY]

That's the gist of a new report from Wildfire Interactive. The study looked at 10,000 randomly sampled Facebook campaigns to see which got the highest response rates and earned media. Among the findings were a lack of correlation between the two. The campaigns that got the most earned media were not the ones that got the highest response rates. If you're looking for the latter, then coupons, giveaways and sweepstakes are the way to go. The report speculated about why such campaigns tend to be more shareable. The benefits to creating such widely shared campaigns is that they draw new users into the fold.

Though the study highlights broad categories that do well with users, it also advocates adding personality to the offers, getting into the consumers' heads to see if such an offer might be appealing and working in a gamification element that rewards users for sharing. A full version of Wildfire's report is available here. How to Run a Sucessful Facebook Contest. Everyone wants to win! That’s why running a Facebook contest is a great idea. People love a good contest. But Facebook has a lot of rules around contests that most people aren’t aware of. Running a contest that doesn’t comply with Facebook’s terms could get you banned. We don’t want that. The biggest rule is that you need to administer the contest through an Application. Here are some of the applications that administer Facebook contests: Wildfire – easy to set up and can be as little as $50/week.

North Social – also easy to set up they charge per month and based on how many fans your page has – good rates. Votigo – they currently focus on larger scale campaigns and can be very customized to your needs. Fanappz – I have not personally tried them but Bob Saget uses their quiz application. Update: I had to add these other fantastic Contest apps! Strutta – Great for photo, video or essay contests with a professional look and great features. EasyPromos – Your first contest is free Planning. Double Meaning Photos. “ A double entendre is a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either of two ways. Often the first meaning is straightforward, while the second meaning is less so: often risqué, inappropriate, or ironic.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a double entendre as especially being used to “convey an indelicate meaning”. It is often used to express potentially offensive opinions without the risks of explicitly doing so. A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning. Double entendres tend to rely more on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning; they often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text.”

School and College life.