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Margot - You Make Fashion - Blog Mode & Life Style: DIY #5 : tendance grigris - bracelets brésiliens, à clous, strass et chaines. Friendship Bracelets. Macraméd friendship bracelets were all the rage when I was growing up in the eighties.

Friendship Bracelets

All the girls at my school would obsessively make them for one another in a dizzying variety of colors, widths, and patterns. It's amazing, thinking back, that such young girls could make such beautifully intricate accessories. I, of course, tried my hand at making them as well. I would ride my bike down to the five-and-dime store and pick out the most sophisticated color combinations of embroidery floss I could find, but when it came to the actual macramé I never got beyond plain stripes.

There was nothing wrong with plain stripes, except that the other girls seemed so much more advanced with their diamonds and chevrons. DIY projects. Glitzy Easter Placecards By Ashley Page Norton Easter is right around the around and these egg and nest placecards come together super fast.

DIY projects

The supplies are easy to pick up or if you’re like me you probably have most of them on hand – I love pipe cleaners and always have some around!