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CSS & Page Layout. HTML5 / CSS3 Browser Support. 4 comments | Related thoughts: CSS3, HTML5, Mobile Support Charts If you need to find which browsers support which HTML5/CSS3/SVG/lastest-and-greatest features, here are a few resources that I find helpful (I’m sure there are other — let me know which sites you use in the comments below). When Can I Use is a frequently updated set of tables showing browser support for CSS3, HTML5, SVG and other cutting edge technologies. It’s full of excellent information — for example, I didn’t know that Safari now supports WOFF (Web Open Font Format) fonts now! Testing There are several sites that can report your browser’s support for various technologies — just visit the sites below and you’ll see a list of where your browser succeeds … and fails. HTML5 Test provides a quick test of your browser’s support for HTML5 elements and related technologies (like Geolocation, Web Workers, and WebGL). Layout 31. 1) Content here. column long long column very long fill fill fill long text text column text silly very make long very fill silly make make long make text fill very long text column silly silly very column long very column filler fill long make filler long silly very long silly silly silly long filler make column filler make silly long long fill very. very make make fill silly long long filler column long make silly silly column filler fill fill very filler text fill filler column make fill make text very make make very fill fill long make very filler column very long very filler silly very make filler silly make make column column fill long make long text very make long fill column make text very silly column filler silly text fill text filler filler filler make make make make text filler fill column filler make silly make text text fill make very filler column very Add Text to this section.

Layout 32. 1) Content here. column long long column very long fill fill fill long text text column text silly very make long very fill silly make make long make text fill very long text column silly silly very column long very column filler fill long make filler long silly very long silly silly silly long filler make column filler make silly long long fill very. very make make fill silly long long filler column long make silly silly column filler fill fill very filler text fill filler column make fill make text very make make very fill fill long make very filler column very long very filler silly very make filler silly make make column column fill long make long text very make long fill column make text very silly column filler silly text fill text filler filler filler make make make make text filler fill column filler make silly make text text fill make very filler column very Add Text to this section.

Html5shiv - HTML5 IE enabling script. Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses Full original, uncompressed source available here: Source code adds new HTML5 elements (which is simple code), but also supports printing HTML5 elements and includes the default styles for HTML5 elements, like block on article and section. Getting it to work in the browser was easy, @jon_neal and afarkas made IE actually print HTML5 elements - these guys are to take all the credit. Please take a moment to thank them! To use this script, download the html5shiv and roll it in to your own code (ideally minified). Common question: what's the difference between the html5shim and the html5shiv? CSS3: The Missing Manual. CSS Shorthand Guide. Sunday Oct 23 2005 Ok. Let's set the record straight. There is no official guide for each and every CSS shorthand property value. So let's work together and put one together shall we? Background Backgrounds can be tricky.

Background properties Believe it or not, all these properties can be combined into one single background property as follows: the background shorthand property The Unknown Often times developers find themselves wondering What if I leave out this value or that one? Default background property values Lesson learned: be careful on what you don't declare. Background shorthand example (unexplicit) This would be the same as declaring the following values: background shorthand example (explicit) Font Font is perhaps the trickiest. Font properties The default values for the font shorthand property are as follows: default font property values And of course without any further ado. The font shorthand property Here is where it gets tricky. Or and . Strong element styled with font Border Outline.