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Real Food Summit. Learn about the Paleo diet and real food with the Paleo dietitian. Learn Paleo by Pictures » Living Superhuman. Learn about the Paleo diet and real food with the Paleo dietitian. Why Paleo? » Living Superhuman. Tweet Sharebar. What Is Wrong With Grains. In 2003, the Human Genome Project showed that most of the time our genes are not the cause of the diseases we see in modern times. It was believed that there had to be 100,000 genes to encode our DNA, one gene for each of the 100,000+ proteins in the human body. This had been the holy grail of human molecular biology for nearly a century. However, the results of the project showed that there are only 20,000-25,000 genes, each of which contains information for assembling or producing the functional molecules we call proteins. (1) Simply put, researchers found that information is transferred to RNA in a cell’s nucleus, which then interacts with ribosomes to read the sequence and translate the code to create an amino acid.

This transcription and translation is known as gene expression. Even with this knowledge, modern misconceptions about the role of genes and how they express are difficult to break. Disease is not written in our genetic code. The history of wheat According to the Weston A. What Is The Paleo Diet? Even after eating this way for years, we still manage to catch some of our dining companions off-guard. Their eyebrows shoot up when we order our food sans bread, pasta, rice, polenta or beans. The questions are always the same: “Are you on Atkins or something?” “Trying to lose weight?” “You don't even eat whole grains?” “What the hell is the matter with you?” Well, here exactly is the matter with me: I EAT PALEO. I'm sure this sounds bizarre to folks who aren’t on the Paleo bandwagon (or haven’t even heard of it).

So to avoid proselytizing over the dinner table, I'm offering up this explanation of the Paleo diet -- and why I'm on it -- in (what I hope is) an easy-to-read Q&A format. Ready? Let's start with the basics: Q: What foods can you eat on a Paleo diet? A: I do my best to stick to whole, unprocessed foods: meat, eggs, seafood, non-starchy vegetables -- and some (but not a ton of) fruit, nuts and seeds.

My favorite description of the Paleo approach can be found on the Whole9 site : The Paleo Diet | Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat :: Dr. Loren Cordain. Learn about the Paleo diet and real food with the Paleo dietitian.