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Mixes and Mashups #1's favorites. 7 Waist-Slimming Ab Exercises. 7 Fat-Fighting Dinner Recipes. 4 Weeks to Gorgeous Abs Workout. Find a New M.D.: Health. Jackie Warner's Crunch-Free Ab Exercises. Side-Bend Shoulder Press What you'll need: a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell Targets: Shoulders, abs, and obliques -- Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in right hand by side, and bring left hand to touch back of head, elbow bent out to side. -- Hinge at waist to side bend to right, reaching dumbbell along outside of right leg toward knee. -- Return to upright posture, raising dumbbell to right shoulder and then pressing it overhead, palm facing left. -- Lower dumbbell to shoulder; return to start. -- Do 30 reps.

Download the workout video to your smartphone What do you think of this story? Weighted Twist Targets: Abs, obliques, butt, and legs -- Stand with feet wide apart in a semi-squat position, holding dumbbell in front of waist, one end in each hand, elbows bent by sides. -- Keeping hips fairly squared and elbows glued to ribs, rotate torso to right, then left to complete 1 rep. -- Do 3 sets of 30 reps. Knee Jack Targets: Shoulders, abs, obliques, and legs Curtsy Punch.

Kim Kardashian workout. Kim Kardashian Inspired Butt Toning Workout Video! Florham park nj. The Booty-Camp Workout: Toning Exercises for Your Butt, Legs, and Thighs. Butt Exercises to Sculpt a Better Butt. Workouts for Thighs & Legs. The Flamingo Balance - Fitness Magazine. Tone Your Thighs Tummy and Buns - MSN Health & Fitness - Fit Zone.

De-Flab Your Thighs. The lower body is a trouble spot for most women. Why? Our bodies are living in the past. Our hormones send excess fat straight to the lower body, which was helpful thousands of years ago—when women needed this fat storage to survive droughts, famines, and long winters—but isn't exactly needed today. The good news: You can fight back with the right thigh-toning exercises. First, a little anatomy. The inner thigh area is a particularly frustrating spot because unless you play sports like basketball or tennis, which involve lots of side-to-side motion, these muscles get very little use and lose their tone. Do two sets of 10 to 12 reps on each leg (unless otherwise indicated), two or three times a week. 1.

(a) Lie on your right side, supporting your head on your hand. (b) Using your inner thigh muscles, lift your right leg toward the ceiling at least 6 inches. 2. (a) Sit on a sturdy chair. (b) Exhale as you lift and extend your right leg. Published November 2011, Prevention. BEST WORKOUT FOR AN ATHLETIC BODY TYPE. The shape: Think Hayden Panettiere or Jessica Biel—broad across the back and shoulders, narrower through the hips.

Athletic builds are often short-waisted (and maybe a little thick-waisted), tend to have square silhouettes, and will have a lower ratio of fat to muscle than curvy or pear-shaped body types. Swimsuits can be tough to find for athletic builds, because what fits the bottom half will often be too small to stretch over the top. The Rx: Athletic women don’t generally need too much toning. But a bikini begs for a little balance, as well as a little nip through the waist for a sexy silhouette. The Best Workouts Monday: For each exercise shown, do 1 set of the prescribed repetitions, rest 30 seconds, then do another set of that same exercise. Wednesday: Perform the moves circuit style: Do the prescribed number of repetitions for each exercise, with no rest between exercises.

Friday: Perform each set of two exercises back-to-back, with no rest between each exercise. Free Workout Routines.