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August desktop calendar « Happy Serendipity. Before i’ll take my august break i have the monthly desktop calendar prepared for you and ready to download. enjoy. xoxo da ich ja ab morgen einen monat pause mache, wollte ich euch noch das august hintergrundbild für euren rechner da lassen. habt einen tollen sommer! 1280  x 1024 1600 x 1200 1680 x 1050 1920 x 1200. Valentines Party Excuse. Photo Play. Thanks to digital photography and cell phone cameras, it's easier than ever to amass a vast collection of pictures of special moments and familiar faces.

Unfortunately, most of those precious images are stuck in a computer and rarely see the light of day. It's a cinch to press the shutter button, but what happens afterward? Once you realize photographs can be used to create home accents, the big picture gets more interesting -- and inspiring. Many snapshots can be transformed into decorative objects as modern and arresting as anything you'd find in a design store. The trick is not to limit photos to the usual frames (or to areas such as the top of a piano or side table), and to begin visualizing other places and objects around the house as potential exhibition spaces. Frameless photographs can be mounted on sturdy art boards and linked by small hinges for an accordion structure (above.) Copies of family photos can enhance household objects, such as this vintage vanity tray, above left. T-Shirt Reconstruction Tutorial: Corset Back Tee. T-Shirt Tutorial: How To Turn An Oversized Tee Into A Cropped Tank Top.

Accordion Travelogue - Family Vacation Memory Crafts - Memorykeeping Crafts -