Celebrating 30 Years at Cerium Laboratories - Cerium Labs. We just recently celebrated our 30th anniversary and we could not be proud of how hard our team has worked and continues to work.
You don’t make it three decades without being an industry leader, and we take pride in saying that’s what we are. We love what we do, and we’re proud of our final results. It’s been this way since the very beginning! Our Start in the 1990’s It all began in the early 1990’s. The Early 2000’s With the turn of the new millennium, exciting new changes came to our company. Our Development From 2011 to Today Even bigger changes happened in 2011. Technique for Surface Characterization. The History of Cerium Laboratories - Cerium Labs. We’re so proud to announce that at Cerium Laboratories, we have hit 30 years and we’re looking forward to many more!
Who we are Cerium Laboratories is a global, high growth, analytical services company that provides the highest quality, the quickest response time, and the best value to a diversified customer base. We have made a name for ourselves as leaders in the industry because we’ve been doing it now for three full decades. How it all Began Our lab was started in the 1990’s as a support group to Advanced Micro Devices’ Austin manufacturing facilities. Big changes happened in 2004. Further changes took place in 2011. Rutherford Backscattering Analysis. Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) analysis is a comon ion beam analysis.
RBS uses a high-energy (MeV) ion beam to bombard the sample surface. Elastic and inelastic collisions provide chemical information, i.e. the atomic number (Z) of the sample material and thickness based on the scattering depth. RBS and all the ion beam analyses measure thin-films deposited on substrates like silicon or bulk crystalline materials. These measurements are non-destructive, and standard-less. Some specific applications of RBS are: Evaluation of the thickness and composition (stoichiometry) of thin films or coatings such as oxide, nitrides or thin-film metals on substrates.Intermixing at the interface between dissimilar materials.Location of lattice impurities, both substitution and interstitial, within single crystal materials.Determination of damage distribution within a single crystal. Understanding the ICP-MS Analysis & Testing. Necessity of Using VPD-ICPMS Technique in Semiconductor manufacturing. Implementing smaller device dimensions requires cleaner chemicals and, more importantly, cleaner production processes.
One example of a potential contamination source is polymeric seals often found in process chambers. Over time, in aggressive environments such as plasmas, these materials can break down and release metals that can become incorporated in the product processed in that chamber. Low levels of metals such as Na, K, Li, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Ti, can alter the electrical characteristics and affect long term reliability of semiconductor devices.
Here at Cerium Labs, we regularly use a technique called Vapor Phase Decomposition Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (VPD-ICPMS) to measure the trace metals on silicon wafers and identify the source of contamination. The 3 process steps are: Step 1: Vapor phase decomposition Step 2: Wafer surface impurity collection using a scanning solution Step 3: Analysis by ICP-MS. What’s in the water – analytical chemistry helps everyone. What do you think of when you hear the term “Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy”?
A CSI episode? College Chemistry? Or maybe nothing at all? Most likely you are not familiar with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy or ICPMS for short. Icp-ms lab agency austin tx. Make Business Decisions with the Help of Composition Analysis Services in Austin, TX. Today’s new products are extremely complex.
Metal inspection, analysis, and testing are required by many industries to ensure product safety and reliability. Businesses often count on composition analysis services in Austin, TX to reveal the suitability of materials, the quality of parts, its potential for an adverse biological effect when the device is put into use, to answer questions for material selection, or about production or a product failure. What you’re looking for is a lab who tests and analyzes all types of ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys, including precious metals and powdered metals. The engineers, chemists, and technicians that work in a top metal testing lab are highly experienced and provide technical expertise and reliable services.
The number of polymers and other materials used in biomedical applications has rapidly increased in the past two decades. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Material Characterization in Austin, TX. Many people don't realize it, but material characterization in Austin, TX is incredibly important and necessary to many aspects of our modern lives.
If you don't know much about material characterizations, you're not alone. That being said, let's fix that right now! Below are the most commonly asked questions regarding material characterization, as well as answers given by top experts in the field. Here is everything you've ever wanted and needed to know about it! GC-MS analysis in Austin, TX. Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry is a technique which separates mixtures of organic compounds and determines the identity and concentration of each component.
The mixture is typically introduced onto adsorbent media contained inside a glass or metal tube. The tube is heated to vaporize the mixture and the vapor is injected onto a capillary gas chromatographic column. The column separates the mixture into individual components which then enter a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The mass spectrum of each component is recorded and compared to a database of known compounds for positive identification. The mass spectrum intensity may be used for quantitation. Application Note on Purge and Trap GCMS. 3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Surface Characterization Techniques in Austin, TX. Can There be Metals in Water? The water coming out of your kitchen sink is a lot more than just H20.
Testing your water for potential toxins is sometimes necessary for this reason. The search typically starts with the elements that are considered at least five times denser than water, known as heavy metals. The 5 types of heavy metals commonly found in a trace metal analysis in water in Austin, TX include: #1 Manganese It is found in 68% of the groundwater in the United States. This mineral happens to be an essential nutrient for humans and animals that occurs naturally in the air, soil and water. What is Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and How is it Used?
Atomic Force Microscopy is part of a growing array of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) techniques.
IBM scientist Gerd Binning invented Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in the company’s Zurich labs in 1982. Just a few years later, by 1986, the instrument was developed to an experimental version. A bit after that, in 1989, the first commercial version was released. AFM provides measurements of surface roughness, grain size, and grain size distribution. A Quick Introduction to ICP-MS Analysis in Austin, TX. You don't know what something is just by looking at it. Scientists know this very well. In fact, that is what chemistry is all about! While Platinum and Silver look very similar, they have different chemical makeups and therefore take up two different spots of the periodic table of elements. Silver is Ag and Platinum is Pt.
They may be the same color and both be shiny, but they're all together different materials. Frequently Asked Questions Surrounding Surface Chemistry Characterization in Austin, TX. Understanding Metal Purity Testing in Austin, TX. A metal is said to be one nine fine if it is 900 fine, or 90% pure. While the United States commonly expresses gold purity in karat weight, in Europe, gold jewelry is marked with three numbers, also known as fineness.
3 Main Surface Characterization Techniques in Austin TX. Cerium Labs offers a wide range of analytical techniques, and our expertise allows leading-edge companies to drive quality technology. We also provide excellent one-on-one customer service and timely results with competitive pricing. Surface analysis such as roughness and composition can be tested. Cerium Labs.