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Roger Chartier.

Pierre Hadot

Bruno Latour. Derrick de Kerckhove. Badiou. Finkielkraut. Régis Debray. Armand Abécassis. Sternhell. Michael Lerner (rabbi) Michael Lerner was born in 1943 and grew up in the Weequahic section of Newark, New Jersey.[3] In his youth, he attended Far Brook Country Day School, a private school which he characterized as having "a rich commitment to interdenominational Christianity".[3] While he has written that he appreciated "the immense beauty and wisdom of the Christianity to which [he] was being exposed", he also felt religiously isolated, as the child of passionate Zionists who attended Hebrew school three times a week, while at the same time being heavily exposed to Christian-oriented cultural activities in school.[3] At his own request, in the 7th grade he switched to a public school in the Weequahic neighborhood of Newark, where his peers were, in his estimation, 80% Jewish.[3] He graduated from Weequahic High School in 1960.

Lerner received a B.A. from Columbia University. In 1972 he earned a PhD in philosophy from University of California, Berkeley. Dershowitz’ Climate of Incitement: Pro-Israel Hooligans Vandaliz. Alan Dershowitz: inciter of hate and violence against fellow Jews It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post columns and that local Bay Area Jewish pogromists decided shortly thereafter to “party” at Lerner’s home.

Dershowitz’ Climate of Incitement: Pro-Israel Hooligans Vandaliz

They defaced it with the slogans and themes they could’ve learned at Dersh’s knee: Berkeley police today confirmed that the attack on Rabbi Lerner’s home late Sunday June 2nd or early morning Sunday July 3rd [the correct dates were May 2d or May 3rd] was in fact a crime and was being investigated.The attackers used a powerful form of glue to attach posters to his door and around the property of his home attacking Lerner personally, and attacking liberals and progressives as being supporters of terrorism and “Islamo-fascism.”

Someone ought to summon this intellectual hooligan to a beyt din for the use of such odious language. L’affaire Aristote, chronique d’un scandale annoncé - La républi. Contrairement à une vulgate largement répandue, l'Occident chrétien ne doit pas la découverte et la transmission de la pensée grecque ancienne aux Arabes musulmans mais aux chrétiens d'Orient.

L’affaire Aristote, chronique d’un scandale annoncé - La républi

Telle est, à gros traits, la conviction que l'on retire après avoir lu Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel. Les racines grecques de l'Europe chrétienne (282 pages, 21 euros, Seuil). La thèse n'est pas nouvelle, elle est même archaïque puisqu'à la fin du XIXème et au début du XXème, elle rencontrait un certain succès.

Sauf que depuis, la recherche savante a fait des progrès. Paru au début du mois dernier, le livre a aussitôt suscité colère et indignation du côté des médiévistes. Qu'ils tiennent pour un méchant pamphlet moins innocent qu'il n'y paraît.


Sartre. Bouveresse.