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Poetry Blog. Yawp. "Pied Beauty" by Gerard Manley Hopkins (poetry) Richard Burton reads Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem 'The Leaden Echo & The Golden Echo'. R. S. Thomas - The Other. Pablo Neruda - Poetry. The Poem « Rowing Toward God. I really enjoy reading a good blog writer but think most blogs writers aren’t very good. I imagine anything I write will be tossed in the electronic dumpster. But I wanted a place to save the good stuff I read, photos or paintings that strike me, poems that sing and say what is in my own heart… even if someone else wrote the words or saw the vision first. This is more like a mosaic of influences on my life in my “Rowing Toward God”. It will most likely be more like a private journal, perhaps that is how most blogs actually function for their writers, good ones and poor ones like me.

Anne Sexton was a great poet, someone said she was like person with no skin, no protective layer, just a mass of exposed nerve cells, she felt every pain and could write it. Sexton carefully laid out the themes of her collections of poetry. The poetry in this book, like the poet in her life, feels every pain in that search for God. Here are the first and last poems of Sexton’s book, A story, a story! T. S. Eliot - We Shall Not Cease From Exploration.

Little Gidding V 26-46 we shall not cease from exploration....