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celso moreira

Elephants. Core Blasting Workout Without Sit-ups or Crunches. Street art. Sharks & Rays.


CRAFTS. Arte. Riley.atwell. Musica. Plantas. PHOTOGRAPHY. MAX Workouts by Shin Ohtake - High-Intensity Workout Routines That Get You Lean & Fit, Fast! Here are the 6 WORST things you can do if you want to ignite your body's own fat-burning furnace and get lean, strong & totally ripped in less time: Mistake #1:Doing Isolated Exercises Doing isolated exercises like bicep curls and tricep kick-backs will NOT get you any significant results.

MAX Workouts by Shin Ohtake - High-Intensity Workout Routines That Get You Lean & Fit, Fast!

These one-muscle-at-a-time moves simply don't stimulate enough muscle fibers to build lean muscle or expend enough energy to maximize your calorie burn.

Ilustration and design

Titiduc. Dolphins & Porpoise. Games. Dolphins & Porpoise. Cozinha.