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Minerals and Vitamins

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Vitamin C (Dr.Goodman) Preface | Foreword | Introduction | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Bibliography Vitamin C: The difference between sickness and optimal health Health is emphatically not merely the absence of disease. Just because we are not suffering from hay fever, runny nose, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, or stomach upset, does not mean that we are at the peak of health. However, being free from all physical illness would certainly be an excellent start on the journey to total health. Just as every individual is endowed with a unique set of genes, has a unique history of physical, biochemical, nutritional and emotional experiences, so the measure of optimal health is probably unique for each of us. Can you imagine that you could be free from health complaints and therefore ready to devote your energies to really living your life fully?


Silicon: Trace Mineral. LE Magazine April 2003 Silicon: An OverlookedTrace Mineral Silicon, an abundant trace mineral in nature is proving to be an essential ingredient for stronger bones, better skin and more flexible joints. Including silicon in your diet may boost the benefits of calcium, glucosomine and vitamin D. Here are some of the latest findings on this overlooked mineral. The human body contains approximately 7 grams of silicon, which is present in various tissues and body fluids.

The biological requirement for silicon was first demonstrated by Edith Carlisle and Klaus Schwarz1,2 in experiments with rats and chickens that were fed silicon-deficient diets. Silicon in tissue and joints Connective tissue is composed of cells which produce the fibrous protein matrixes of collagen and elastin, as well as the hydrated (water retaining) network of amino-sugars called glycosaminoglycans (GAG) or muco- polysaccharides (MPS).

Silicon, bone and osteoporosis Bone is actually a special type of connective tissue. SILICON AND BONE HEALTH.


Magnesium: The Spark of Life | The Health Matrix. Magnesium, just like magnetite and manganese, owes its name to the greek word Magnesia , a place name derived from the tribal people known as Magnetes. Physicians and therapists have paid scant attention to this crucial element which is one of the most important minerals for all living organisms.

Magnesium has a relaxing, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on our organism. It is critical for metabolic processes, cell growth and reproduction and is involved in hundreds of enzyme processes affecting every aspect of life . It is not only essential for maintaining good health, but also for detoxification and the treatment of numerous diseases. Unfortunately, magnesium is one of the most depleted minerals in our soil. Anxiety and panic attacks. Correcting magnesium deficiency provides relief in these and other conditions too numerous to list in this article. Under ideal conditions we need approximately 300mg of magnesium to offset daily losses. Further reading: Did Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Heart Attack in Fabrice Muamba and other Dark-Skin Athletes?

By Guest Blogger Emily Allison-Francis Sadly, there were two major athletic tragedies in the news recently having to do with young soccer players who collapsed on the pitch during games. First, 23-year-old Fabrice Muamba, a mid-fielder for England’s Premier team Bolton, suffered a heart attack on March 17 in the middle of a game against Tottenham. Medics were rushed into action as they pumped his chest for six minutes before he was rushed to a hospital. Then last Thursday, D. Venkatesh, 27, of the Bangalore Mars from the All India Football Federation entered a game in the 73rd minute as a substitute and collapsed towards the end of the game from what doctors have deemed “Sudden Death Syndrome.”

Unfortunately, these incidents happen from time to time in athletic sports where performers push themselves to their physical limits, especially to dark-skin athletes. Are dark-skin athletes more predisposed to such tragedies? The Magnesium Miracle | Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND. Every day I hear another magnesium success story… My editor for the UK edition of The Miracle of Magnesium told me that as soon as she read my manuscript she gave magnesium to a friend who had severe muscle cramps. Her friend had visited several doctors and nobody could diagnosis her condition or offer her relief. Magnesium helped her immediately. My book agent’s brother can’t believe how much his energy has improved on magnesium and his wife’s menopausal symptoms are lifting since she began taking supplements.

And every day I also hear distressing stories about magnesium deficiency. Just today walking along the beach near my home I met an 80-year old gentleman who asked me to sit and talk. Instead of a diet and magnesium, his doctor immediately put him on a cholesterol-lowering drug. And so the story goes, one drug causing symptoms that demand another drug. I use several types of magnesium. You also have read labels when you buy magnesium products. Article continues below… Sports Injuries & Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. Transdermal magnesium chloride mineral therapy enhances recovery from athletic activity or injuries. Injury is an almost inevitable part of an athlete’s life.

It may take the form of an acute ligament tear or be as mild as post-exercise muscle soreness. Either way, the majority of sports related injuries can be prevented or alleviated. It is not uncommon to hear of an athlete suffering a sports injury. Generally when a star athlete is injured, the injury becomes headline news. Every athlete gets injured from time to time; it’s part of the courage and discipline of athletes to endure and a challenge to their spirits to remain positive and optimistic about their return to full performance. If you are like most athletes, you want to heal naturally from your injury and do so in record time without having to resort to drugs or surgery.

The last thing any trainer or sports doctor wants to see are their athletes injured. Magnesium Oil can be applied directly to inflamed areas. See References ▼ A Magnesium Primer – Part 1. “Living without adequate levels of Magnesium is like trying to operate a machine with the power off.” ~ Christiane Northrup, MD “Without enough Magnesium, cells simply don’t work.” ~ Lawrence M. Resnick, MD (Former Prof. of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical School) Given the quotations above, as well as the many studies that prove how central Magnesium (Mg) is to our health and well-being, you’d think that all doctors would be telling their patients about this amazing nutrient, as well as testing them to determine if they are Magnesium-deficient.

If they did, they would soon find that nearly all of their patients are, because Magnesium deficiency is epidemic today, and a root cause of so many of the serious diseases that comprise our nation’s health crisis. Sadly, very few doctors have been trained in Magnesium metabolism and you won’t hear about Magnesium on the news, either. I’m on a mission to change that. What follows are some of the other important functions Magnesium performs: Morley. Mguk. Nutritional Magnesium Association Information on high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, magnesium deficiency.

Other Essential Nutrients

Usana. Vitamin C. Vitamin C Lowers Sorbitol Levels · My PCOS Info. Custom Search Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol which is unable to be utilised by the human body and can take a long time to be removed from the body once it is there. If too much sorbitol builds up in the body, it can deplete vital nutrients and cause damage to organs including the eyes, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels, resulting in conditions like diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy and diabetic nephropathy.

When sorbitol is in the bloodstream, it attracts excess water, causing swelling of the cells which leads to mechanical damage. We encounter sorbitol in two ways. Sorbitol is used as an artificial sweetener in many foods and beverages marketed to diabetics or those concerned about sugar intake and small amounts are also naturally present in some fruits such as apples, pears, peaches and prunes. As PCOS frequently progresses into diabetes, this is something that women with PCOS need to be aware of.

More Information: All content Copyright to Anne Seccombe 2009. Be Sociable, Share! ABSTRACTS FOR THE VITAMIN C CONTROVERSY 131-140. 131. Experimental and clinical studies on the reduction of erythrocyte sorbitol-glucose ratios by Ascorbic acid in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 1995 Apr;28(1):1-8Wang H, Zhang ZB, Wen RR, Chen JW Department of Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China. In order to confirm the effect of Ascorbic acid (AA) on human erythrocyte sorbitol accumulation and explore its mechanism of action, the effects of Ascorbic acid in vitro on the sorbitol (S) and glucose (EG) content of human erythrocytes and in particular on the S/EG ratio as a marker of aldose reductase (AR) activity were carefully observed.

The results showed that both the accumulation of erythrocyte sorbitol and the S/EG ratio were strongly reduced by the addition of AA. 132. Correction of anemia and iron deficiency in vegetarians by administration of Ascorbic acid. 133. 134. 135. 136. The content of erythrocyte sorbitol could be reduced by Ascorbic acid (AA). Patients Can Save On Out-Of-Pocket Costs By Taking Dietary Supplements In Lieu Of Prescription Drugs | Knowledge of Health. A question arises: would American adults be better off using their out-of-pocket medical expense money to buy dietary supplements rather than drugs? Before the dollars-and-cents of this issue is addressed, a major misdirection by American medicine needs to be confronted.

The prevailing practice of modern medicine is to consider every malady a drug deficiency. Yet we know so many health problems emanate from overloads or deficiencies of essential nutrients. Examples would be: for a nutrient deficiency — mental depression from a lack of folic acid, and for nutrient excess — high cholesterol, fatty liver and arterial disease from iron overload. So many drugs that are prescribed are inappropriate because the condition they are prescribed for has a nutritional origin. The drug never addresses the true cause of disease, it only masks its symptoms. Furthermore, the biological action of most prescription drugs can be duplicated with dietary supplements, with fewer side effects and lower cost. Vitamin C: The Real Story. "Two writers with an expertise in orthomolecular medicine have created the best book so far with current vitamin C knowledge.

It is easily understood by the interested layperson, and will give new knowledge to the specialist as well. The text is exciting and a challenge to mainstream vitamin views. It may affect your thinking about what this vitamin could do for you. " (Bo H. Jonsson, MD, PhD, Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, ) The following review is from the Townsend Letter, June 2009 : The Case for Ascorbate: Vitamin C: The Real Story by Steve Hickey, PhD, and Andrew W. Basic Health Publications, Inc., Reviewed by Adrianne Harun As detailed by authors Steve Hickey, PhD, and Andrew Saul, PhD, the medical history of vitamin C reads like a laundry list of missed opportunities and willful ignorance. So, in Vitamin C: The Real Story, the authors revisit the definition of vitamin C. A reader says:

Vitamin D

Adverse Vitamin C. Dr. Zoltan Rona on Vitamin C This is from a short article Dr. Zoltan Rona wrote for a column called "Ask an Expert" sponsored by NaturaPlus. Vitamin C is important for the following reasons: 1) formation of collagen and the health of bones, teeth, gums, nails, muscles, ligaments and all other connective tissue 2) strengthens blood vessels and prevents bleeding and plaque formation in the arteries; vitamin C prevents atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) 3) promotes healing of all body cells 4) increases resistance to infection 5) aids iron absorption and utilization 6) anti-oxidant which helps prevent cancer and heart disease 7) natural antihistamine in high doses 8) natural antidepressant because it helps convert the amino acid tyrosine in the brain to adrenalin 9) lowers high cholesterol levels Ideally, you should get vitamin C from food sources.

Vitamin C is generally well tolerated by most healthy individuals but there is a wide range of tolerance when megadoses are supplemented. Dr. Unethical and Ignorant Behavior of Pharmacists. Stephen Barrett, M.D. Most pharmacists who work in retail pharmacies have a serious potential conflict of interest. On the one hand, they are professionals, expected to be knowledgeable about drugs and to dispense them in a responsible and ethical manner. On the other hand, their income depends on the sale of products. Before the FDA's OTC (Over-the-Counter) Drug Review drove most of the ineffective ingredients out of OTC drug products, few pharmacists protested or attempted to protect their customers from wasting money on products that did not work.

Today nearly all pharmacies carry irrationally formulated dietary supplements, and many stock dubious herbal and homeopathic products in addition to standard drugs. Chain drugstores are more likely to do so than individually owned stores. In the mid-1980s, two dietitians examined the labels of vitamin products at five pharmacies, three groceries, and three health-food stores in New Haven.

Pharmacy compounding is another problematic area. W.