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A GUIDE TO CHOOSING A RIPE PINEAPPLE. ALTHOUGH finding a good melon is generally considered a difficult and chancy proposition, it is child's play compared to the odds one is up against when buying fresh pineapple. That stately leaf-crowned, prickly-skinned fruit with its luxurious, juicy, sweet-sour interior, offers few dependable outward clues to its inner condition, even now at its peak season. Every pineapple found beyond tropical growing areas represents a compromise for two reasons: a pineapple will never become any riper than it was when harvested and a fully ripe pineapple is too fragile to be shipped long distances.

Fully ripe means a pineapple that has its full sugar content, but once it reaches that state it is subject to bruises and rot. The quality of a given pineapple, then, depends on the extent of the compromise, and second best is the very best we ever get in New York. The premium Hawaiians are transported that way by both Dole and Del Monte, the two largest shippers. Illustrations: photo of pineapples. Home - Vertical Veg Vertical Veg. 50e8f523e8e30e0fda3bcb7baaeb668c_l.jpg from - StumbleUpon. Flowers. Fruit, Flowers & Vegetables. Natural Products. Sunsets. Vegetables. Weather Photos.