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Facebook Twitter Beaded Wrap Bracelet Video Tutorial. This is the single wrap bracelet I made while filming the wrap bracelet tutorial.

Beaded Wrap Bracelet Video Tutorial

It has such a different look to it than the one I made this past weekend. It is amazing the different look and style you can create with the same basic pattern just by changing length of the bracelet and the type and size of the bead! Here is my attempt at a little video production for you. Warning: Video is 15 minutes long – Yikes – I feel like I over explain things. Grab a little cuppa’ something warm and cozy before you watch so you don’t get antsy. Post production notes: I did go ahead and put a tiny dab of GS Hypo Cement on the nymo thread knots on either side of the bracelet – but just on the nymo. I hope this video helps you make your own beaded wrap bracelets!

Please share some pictures of your beaded wrap bracelet creations with me by linking back to this tutorial on your blog or website. Jewelry and hair accessories diy / method: getting crafty - hipster scarves. Lanyard Double Chain Bracelet. This project brings back memories, in more than one way. 1) I loved lanyard when I was a kid, and I clearly remember making sooo many keychains and bracelets. 2) This DIY reminds me of S&P's first ever project, the Braided Chain Bracelet, from last summer.

Lanyard Double Chain Bracelet

And 3) My entire bedding set during my Freshman year of college were these exact colors. My comforter was reversible neon green and bright blue, and I even had hangers and towels in the same colors. By the time I graduated I was more into the blacks and darker jewel tones, but I still can't resist a good pop of color. Supplies: - Chain, twice the length of your wrist - Lanyard, 1-4 colors - Scissors - Jewelry pliers - Jump rings - Toggle or clasp closures 1) Cut two strands of lanyard, about 60 inches each 2) Fold both strands in half and tie a knot. 3) Fold the chain in half. 4) Take the outer blue strand and insert it directly through the next empty link. The chain might be kind of wonky while you'r doing this, but just keep on going. Hey! Look What I Made! Make Something Marvelous. I think a lot of us could use this reminder more often!

Make Something Marvelous

Iceeey dranks then bedtime, woo! DIzzYmaiden's DIY Foodies & Craftsters. Creativity Corner. DIY for the soul. Fuck Yeah, Make Stuff! Recently I wanted to add more interesting vegetables to my dishes to encourage myself to eat more healthy.

Fuck Yeah, Make Stuff!

After some research I ended up buying the brieftons spiralizer as it seemed like a good little tool for producing spirals of vegetables - just what I want. That, combined with some good recipes, has made me a happy full girl for more than one evening. Here is what you can do to prepare a stir fried chicken with vegetables dish. I know I’m not that creative; the recipe is what I found here. I’ve included some photos taken during the process to make it easy for you to follow along.

Ingredients 1/4 lb zucchini 1/4 lb carrots 2 spring onions 1 lb skinless chicken breasts 1 red chili pepper 4 tbsp peanut oil 3 tbsp oyster sauce 4 tbsp soy sauce coriander Salt and pepper Steps Cut the chicken into 1” thick pieces. Peel the carrots and wash the zucchini, and then use the brieftons slicer to create all those interesting looking vegetable spirals. Then mix the oyster sauce and some soy sauce in a bowl.