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Slideshow. Atahualpa in italiano — gidibao's Cafe. WordPress offre un ampio numero di temi grazie ai quali é possibile gestire nonché personalizzare l’aspetto online del proprio weblog. La maggior parte di essi é in lingua inglese quindi, come spesso accade, spetterà all’aministratore del sito il tradurre quei termini piú comuni che vengono generalmente utilizzati frontend per poter interagire con i propri lettori. Non tutti i blogger però hanno ha la capacità tecnica di poter operare con serenità direttamente sui codici dei file inoltre, qualora il tema venisse aggiornato , il lavoro di traduzione line by line andrebbe inesorabilmente perduto. Atahualpa é un ottimo tema non localizzato in lingua italiana per il quale ho avuto la possibilità di creare grazie all’editor Poedit i file .mo e .po che permettono di potere effettuare una localizzazione differente da quella nativa. Nel nostro caso, ho avuto quindi la possibilità di tradurre completamente il tema in italiano. Atahualpa Installazione: Configurazione: Sezioni disponibili: Download.

Trasforma wordpress in un sito e-commerce. Verso una definizione del Social Learning - Social Learning Blog. HootCourse. WordPress: offrire FEED per ogni categoria. Titolo nel post « WordPress Italy Forum. Introduzione a BuddyPress e ai BPDEV Plugins. The Learning Lab. Developing BuddyPress for education « Expedient Means. In February, I wrote a brief post about setting up BuddyPress with LDAP authentication within a university context (you’re looking at it). Four days ago, BuddyPress reached maturity by hitting version 1.0, marking a time to reflect on what I’d like to see developed for BuddyPress for use within a university context. This is an initial wish list. I’m not looking for BuddyPress to be an all singing, all dancing, social network.

I don’t care about image collections and status updates (Flickr and Twitter do those jobs nicely) I would, however, like to see it being used for building group identity (projects, special interest groups, classes, courses) and portfolio/resume building. Privacy controls As I mentioned previously, our social network is private, while the blogs have five levels of optional privacy controls, ranging from public and indexed by Google, to private, single-user blogs. Group activity I guess I could find a work-around. Member profiles. BuddyPress: A university’s social network « Expedient Means. To cut to the chase, this post is about using WordPress MU and BuddyPress with enterprise authentication (LDAP) to create an internal/private social network while leaving the blogs, by default, public.

Since May 2008, I’ve been running WordPress MU on the Learning Lab, a Linux server I maintain at the University of Lincoln, for experimenting, trialling and evaluating software that may enhance and support research, teaching and learning. It’s a great job Of all the software we’ve looked at over the last few months, ‘WordPress Multi-User’, has clearly shown the most potential for use by staff and students at the university. It’s a mature, well maintained, very popular open source blogging platform. In fact, it’s more than that. It’s a web content management system that runs 5 million blogs on and 280,000 blogs on While evaluating WPMU on the Learning Lab, 65 blogs were registered by 123 users. I’ve documented some of the set up on our wiki. BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware.