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Latvian braid knitted flat, continental tensioning. A bobble technique in crochet. Стильный объемный узор выполнен крючком с элементами вязания «шишечки». Рельефные «шишечки» образуют группы из 7-ми незаконченных столбиков с тремя накидами провязанных из одной петли, а затем провязанных вместе. Данным узором можно связать оригинальный шарф, а меланжевая пряжа еще больше подчеркивает выразительность «шишечек». Следует заметить, т.к. вязаное полотно получается объемным и плотным, увеличивается также расход пряжи. Рассмотрим подробнее технику вязания данного узора, по схеме из китайского журнала с небольшими изменениями: Для того чтобы уменьшить дырочки между «шишечками» уменьшим число воздушных петелек между шишечками, поэтому набирайте начальную цепочку, учитывая что раппорт составит 6 возд. петель.

Схема узора «шишечки» с поправками: Первый ряд и последующие нечетные ряды (которые вяжутся по лицевой стороне) начинайте с 4-х возд. петель подъема, далее вяжите первую «шишечку» из 6-ти незавершенных столбиков с 3-мя накидами из одной петли. Cabling with no cable needle, back crossing, right. Cabling without a cable needle ©2007-2009 Information and images contained within this tutorial are copyrighted and cannot be used for any unintended purposes without my explicit permission. My general rules about tutorial usage and distribution can be found here. First, what makes this tutorial different from the numerous cabling without a cable needle tutorials available on the web? Other tutorials just instruct you how to transpose the cable stitches and then knit them. The method explored here (the invention of which I do not take credit for) is a bit more elegant and involves fewer steps.

Cables become that much more exciting if you don't have to use a cable needle or a double-pointed needle to help you along. I first read about making cables without the aid of an additional needle in Annie Modesitt's Confessions of a Knitting Heretic . Let's cable! Right-twist cable (same as holding sts in back) Left-twist cable (same as holding sts in front) Want more?

Cabling with no cable needle, front crossing, left. Cabling without a cable needle ©2007-2009 Information and images contained within this tutorial are copyrighted and cannot be used for any unintended purposes without my explicit permission. My general rules about tutorial usage and distribution can be found here.

First, what makes this tutorial different from the numerous cabling without a cable needle tutorials available on the web? Other tutorials just instruct you how to transpose the cable stitches and then knit them. Cables become that much more exciting if you don't have to use a cable needle or a double-pointed needle to help you along. I first read about making cables without the aid of an additional needle in Annie Modesitt's Confessions of a Knitting Heretic . Let's cable! Right-twist cable (same as holding sts in back) Left-twist cable (same as holding sts in front) When you reach the cable stitches, move the yarn to the back.

Knit the next three stitches. Straighten out your knitting. Want more? Return to blog. Charisa_martin: How to Knit a Welt, a Ridge, a Pintuck: Texture! Welt, Ridge, Pintuck: How ToA knitted welt adds texture and definition to your knitting. You can do it small, you can do it large. It's easy. Here's how to do it. Click a photo to see it bigger.

[download the Wedge Hat pattern, and get this tutorial in the pattern.] 1. Decide what your texture will be: garter ridge, stockinette, etc.The edge ridge in the Wedge hat is garter stitch. 2. Photo (a): knit the ridge fabric 2. Photo (b): pick up stitches from the original fabric (not the ridge fabric) 3. Photo (c): knit the welt closed - knit two stitches together. photo (d): after the welt is closed - live stitches are once again the original yarn (white, wrong side view) 4. Photo (e): finished welt after knitting it closed, front of fabric You've knit a ridge, a welt, a pintuck! Learn to knit a Latvian Braid.