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The body reveals God! Starting from the Theology of the Body, we can create a real revolution about real human dignity.

Dignity of Human Life - Be a Voice. Books in Lovers are those who love | Theography: Sketches of Spiritual Truths for a New Evangelization: Human Love in the Divine Plan. Janet E. Smith's Sexual Common Sense. Sophia Institute: Home Page. Pontificio Instituto Juan Pablo II - Secretaría de Madrid. The blog | John Paul ll Healing Center. Sunday, March 30, 2014 Was Ever Thus By: Ken Kniepmann "…Pope Francis is a man of discernment, and, at times, that discernment results in freeing him from the confinement of doing something in a certain way because it was ever thus.”; Cardinal Sean O’Malley Read the full post Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3 Rocks for Christmas Growing up, the Charlie Brown “Peanuts” specials were a household staple.

Read the full post Saturday, December 28, 2013 Joy in His Presence By: Dr. When Fr. Read the full post Friday, December 13, 2013 Advent - Waiting for His Gift On the first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Read the full post Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Agape - Self-giving Love This is the final piece of a five part series on the Four Loves. Read the full post Tuesday, October 08, 2013 What’s In Your Ritual In a recent conversation, a friend said (more or less), “What the Seven Sacraments have in common is death.” Read the full post Monday, September 16, 2013 Eros - Sexual Love Eros is the third type of love that C.S. Science of the Theology of the Body. Cathlab115 - Science of TOB.

Against Human Dignity

Instruction on respect for human life. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been approached by various Episcopal Conferences or individual Bishops, by theologians, doctors and scientists, concerning biomedical techniques which make it possible to intervene in the initial phase of the life of a human being and in the very processes of procreation and their conformity with the principles of Catholic morality. The present Instruction, which is the result of wide consultation and in particular of a careful evaluation of the declarations made by Episcopates, does not intend to repeat all the Church's teaching on the dignity of human life as it originates and on procreation, but to offer, in the light of the previous teaching of the Magisterium, some specific replies to the main questions being asked in this regard. . * The terms "zygote", "pre-embryo", "embryo" and "foetus" can indicate in the vocabulary of biology successive stages of the development of a human being.

Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Tercera parte, Segunda sección, capítulo segundo, artículo 5, 2258-2330. «No matarás» ( Ex 20, 13). «Habéis oído que se dijo a los antepasados: “No matarás”; y aquel que mate será reo ante el tribunal. Pues yo os digo: Todo aquel que se encolerice contra su hermano, será reo ante el tribunal» ( Mt 5, 21-22). 2258 “ La vida humana ha de ser tenida como sagrada , porque desde su inicio es fruto de la acción creadora de Dios y permanece siempre en una especial relación con el Creador, su único fin. Sólo Dios es Señor de la vida desde su comienzo hasta su término; nadie, en ninguna circunstancia, puede atribuirse el derecho de matar de modo directo a un ser humano inocente” (Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, Instr.

Donum vitae , intr. 5). I. El testimonio de la historia sagrada 2259 La Escritura, en el relato de la muerte de Abel a manos de su hermano Caín (cf Gn 4, 8-12), revela, desde los comienzos de la historia humana, la presencia en el hombre de la ira y la codicia, consecuencias del pecado original. La legítima defensa El homicidio voluntario El aborto. Inicio | Foro Cultura21.

Expertos de todo el mundo rechazan la fecundación in vitro. La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condenó el 28 de noviembre de 2012 a Costa Rica por haber prohibido en su legislación, hace 12 años, la fecundación in vitro (FIV). La sentencia afirma que “el embrión no puede ser entendido como persona” o que el derecho a la vida “no es absoluta, sino gradual e incremental según su desarrollo”. En este sentido, el pasado 20 de abril se reunieron en la ciudad mexicana de Guanajuato diferentes expertos en Bioética (médicos, filósofos o juristas, entre otros) para firmar un documento, dirigido a los mandatarios del país, donde plantean diez reflexiones que evidencian algunas deficiencias de la sentencia de la CIDH. Se trata de la “declaración de Guanajuato”. Los suscritores de este documento, más de 100 expertos y ciudadanos de diferentes países, defienden la dignidad humana como “el principal fundamento de los derechos humanos”. Declaración de Guanajuato. Whatever Happened to Mortal Sin?

During the 1970s, psychologist Karl Menninger published Whatever Became of Sin? , a reflection on the largely unnoticed but quite definite slippage of attitudes towards morality in the mid-twentieth-century. Tracing the disappearance of “sin,” he focused on one area that used to be of concern, but was gradually erased from consciousness, with extraordinarily wide ramifications: the “disorder” or “sin” of masturbation: Masturbation, the solitary vice, the SIN of youth, suddenly seemed not to be so sinful, perhaps not sinful at all; not so dangerous – in fact, not dangerous at all; less a vice than a form of pleasurable experience, and a normal and healthy one!

This sudden metamorphosis in an almost universal social attitude is more significant of the changed temper, philosophy, and morality of the twentieth century than any other phenomenon that comes to mind. Karl Menninger Elizabeth Anscombe The Baltimore Catechism refers to missing Mass on Holy Days of Obligation as a “mortal sin.” Social Media Graphics & Themes | Abolish Abortion. Catequesis: Teología del Cuerpo en Juan Pablo II con aplicación al Noviazgo, Matrimonio, Familia Cristiana, Sexualidad de los cónyuges, de los novios, solteros y célibes del celibato consagrado. CATEQUESIS SOBRE LA "TEOLOGÍA DEL CUERPO" EN JUAN PABLO II NOVIAZGO, MATRIMONIO y FAMILIA CRISTIANA septiembre 2005 Nota: Cada año el P. Mario Pezzi reúne las enseñanzas del Magisterio de la Iglesia respecto a los temas candentes de actualidad. Ofrecemos su trabajo aquí para facilidad de los hermanos que desean asimilar tan importantes enseñanzas. (clic para descargar en formato comprimido zip o formato rtf) Introducción General LOS ATAQUES CONTRA EL MATRIMONIO EN LA EPOCA MODERNA El movimiento feminista Nacimiento del movimiento Gay Homofobia: Significado del término Recientes movimientos de presión: el control de la natalidad y la cuestión de los "géneros» El Magisterio de la Iglesia El Concilio Vaticano II: recuperación de la "Imagen de Dios, dignidad del cuerpo humano El cuerpo llega a ser templo del Espíritu Santo.

Hombre y mujer La contribución del Papa Juan Pablo II: La "Teología del cuerpo" El significado conyugal del cuerpo: el don de sí 1. 3. El Noviazgo. Feminists for Life - Women Deserve Better. - Home - Take a Class - Love Naturally: Learn NFP Online : Love Naturally: Learn NFP Online. Love Naturally NFP is comprised of 3 instructors each living in a different area of the U.S.! We currently offer two ways to learn! Learn Online: Learning NFP online is made simple with SymptoProTM Fertility Eduction! Just fill out the online registration form and pay for your class. In just a few days SymptoProTM headquarters will send you your materials and your Love Naturally instructor will contact you to help you get started!

As you work your way through the online course your instructor will be with you every step of the way, assuring you understand the materials and advising you on which rules to apply depending on your family planning intentions. Your instructor will be selected based on availability and location. Cost of online instruction is $110 with an e-book student manual or $135 if choosing a printed textbook. Learn In-Person: If you live within driving distance of one of us and would prefer in-person instruction please click HERE to learn more. Libros Digitalizados.


Forty Years Later: It’s Time for a New Feminism. This past fall, I couldn’t turn on the television, open my web browser, or walk down the streets of Washington, DC, without hearing, reading, or seeing abortion-rights advocates campaigning against the War on Women. Many of my American sisters solicited me to join them through online ads, door-to-door campaigns, and political commercials. Their rhetoric pitched this as a necessity: We needed to fight the offensive, strategic maneuver of some politicians to repeal a hard-earned feminist victory—namely freedom from any restriction on our reproductive liberties.

I was invited to stand with women who loudly and unabashedly denounced any such “restrictions” in a battle where the weapons were words, and the strategy was to couch the cause in the language of basic civil and human rights. Though portrayed as defensive, I found it to be an offensive campaign, not merely seeking to hold a line, but to move it forward. Myth #1: Abortion helps women finish their education and pursue careers. Ryan T. Abortion Doc Envisions the Gang Rape of a Pro-Life Girl. By Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | | 1/24/13 1:04 PM National 1551 Share Tony at has just released this video, taken on October 16, 2012, at the Women’s Pavilion abortion clinic in South Bend, Indiana.

It features aged abortionist Ulrich G. Klopfer, who decided to engage in a debate with pro-life sidewalk counselor Ellen and her 12-yr-old daughter. Klopfer sadistically envisions a theoretical gang-rape of the girl: And while your little girl gets raped by 10 guys, gets pregnant with twins, you’re gonna have your grandchildren. Shut up! I’m not sure whether Klopfer was calling Ellen a hypocrite, implying that in the unthinkable event her daughter was gang-raped, and then impregnated, she’d come knocking; or whether he was wishing a gang rape and pregnancy on the girl. This was reminiscent of the time abortionist Ashutosh Ron Virmani yelled at pro-lifers to “adopt those ugly black babies.” Japan Finance Minister Aso Seeks Early Remedy for Death Gaffe - Japan Real Time. A Question About Abortion. A reader writes: Here's an honest question. Yeah, it's a loaded question -- actually it's several related questions -- but I hope I'm asking it in a friendly spirit.

Since this is about abortion, I better tell you up front: I think abortion is wrong, but I don't think it's murder. And by the way, I'm a pacifist. This is the question: If a woman takes a drug that prevents a newly fertilized ovum from being implanted in her uterus, and thus ends her pregnancy, does her act possess exactly the same moral character as that of a woman who holds a gun to her six-year-old child's head and pulls the trigger? Or to ask the same question in a more general way: is an abortion morally identical to the murder of someone after they are born? I ask because your rhetoric suggests you think the two acts are morally the same. I think the first thing that must be done is ask for a clarification of terms. It does not, however, tell us a thing about the intrinsic evil of a given act itself. Let's Talk About Natural Birth Control.

Here’s a fun little back story on my adventures in birth control: When I was about fourteen, I was asked by my doctor if my periods were uncomfortable. When I said yes, she prescribed me the birth control pill. By high school, at least half of my friends were also on the pill; it was a pretty normal thing. As a sophomore in college, I got a blood clot (a DVT, to be exact… 30% of people who have these die of them, btw), and – after a hospital stay, two weeks of strict bed rest, six months of blood thinners and a litany of blood tests to determine whether I had a clotting abnormality that would require me to take medication for the rest of my life, it was determined that my blood was normal. The clot had been caused by the birth control pill, a recognized and not-exactly-unusual side effect, but one that hadn’t been communicated to me at all when I was first handed a prescription.

Fast forward nine months, and I was a mom. They did, to some extent. I was intrigued. Bad advice for our girls. The week before Sandy hit, a 15-year-old Staten Island girl threw herself in front of a train, after a video of her having sex with four football players was passed around her school. Two students got suspended for mocking her. But apparently the football players weren’t disciplined — because, according to police, the sex was “consensual.” We can’t go back and ask Felicia Garcia what she was thinking, but let’s be serious: There’s no such thing as consensual sex between a 15-year-old girl and four football players. Fine, there’s a legal standard for consent. If the boys were minors as well and didn’t physically force her into the act, we can’t charge them. ©HBO/Courtesy Everett Collection She shouldn’t be a role model: In HBO’s “Girls,” Hannah (Lena Dunham) is foolishly free with her favors with Adam (Adam Driver).

What’s the right age to have sex? In fact, it’s clear that too-early sex can cause long-term emotional problems. Sometimes, sure. Love Facts, Things you need to know. Christopher West. Reflections on JPII Theology of the Laity. LAF/Beautiful Womanhood » The Me, Me, Me Generation, Time Magazine Vs. Kevin Swanson. The Me, Me, Me Generation, Time Magazine Vs. Kevin Swanson Posted By LAF Editor on May 22, 2013 “…the reason we want to bring this kind of stuff out to our listening audience is because the spirit of the age, the zeitgeist, tends to affect just about everybody.

Especially if you attend a church, or your kids attend a school, or your kids are going to college. They’re going to be Millennials. They are going to be pretty much whatever the world is like, because that is the people they hang out with day-in and day-out. So I just want you all to know just what you’re going to become unless you come out from among them and be a little separate.”

Listen to the rest here . Recommended Resources: Apostate – The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West By Kevin Swanson The Biblical Trustee Family By Andrea Schwartz Humility By Andrew Murray. Love's Ill-Fated Separation: the Eros-Agape Divorce. 1. The Two Faces of Love With the homilies of this Lent I would like to continue in the same vein that I began in Advent, to make a small contribution vis-à-vis the reevangelization of the secularized West, which at this moment is the main concern of the whole Church and in particular of the Holy Father Benedict XVI.

There is a realm in which secularization acts in a particularly pervasive and negative way, and it is the realm of love. The secularization of love consists in detaching human love in all its forms from God, reducing it to something purely "profane," in which God is out of place and even an annoyance. However, the subject of love is not important just for evangelization, that is, in relation with the world; it is also important first of all for the internal life of the Church, for the sanctification of her members. It is the perspective in which the Holy Father Benedict XVI's encyclical "Deus Caritas Est" is placed and in which we also place ourselves in these reflections. 2. Bad Catholic — Introduction to theology of the body class 1. 1Flesh – Bring Sexy Back!