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Best Apps and Websites for Learning Programming. Jump to navigation Donate Check out what's new in: Bookmark Related Top Picks Displaying 1 - 9 of 9. Cool Math Games for High School Frame math concepts in a new way with games for older students. Grades 9 - 12 Math Critical Thinking Cool Math Games for Middle School Motivate students to tackle dull math concepts with these middle school puzzlers. Grades 6 - 8 10 Best Math Tools for High School Top 10 tools for mastering math at the high school level. Critical Thinking, College & Career Prep 10 Best Math Tools for Middle School 10 top-rated apps and websites for the middle school math classroom.

Grades 5 - 8 10 Best Math Tools for Elementary Our top 10 picks for teaching and learning foundational math skills in the elementary years. Grades Pre-K - 5 Best Coding Tools for High School Help high school students express themselves through code. Creativity, Tech Skills, Critical Thinking Best Coding Tools for Middle School Coding tools suitable for a range of middle-grade students.

Best Coding Tools for Elementary. Kodable Pro App Review. Education Apps – Apps for Coding on Tablets. Updated 15/01/2015 - Apps for Coding on Tablets With an increasing focus on programming and coding finding the way onto the curriculum in many different countries across the globe, developers are creating materials which can help educators skill themselves, and also to support pupils in this area.

Coding and programming allows for individuals to show their creative side, but also embodies key, logical skills which need to be understood and mastered to create a successful programme. With technology advances racing ahead within societies, the need for programmers is going to be a key concept which individuals need to understand to be able to relate the apps, programmes and any further developments. The skills are not difficult to learn, but the issue in education is likely to be the confidence, understanding and skills of the teachers who will suddenly find coding or programming within their remit. Code Blast (iPad) £0.79 AndroidScript (Android) Free Kodu (Windows) Free A.L.E.X. Light-Bot App. Great Apps To Introduce Coding to Young Kids. This is cross-posted at the We Are Teachers Blog If your class is like mine, the kids are always talking about playing video games! Rather than discouraging that interest, I want to harness it to encourage a higher level of thinking in my class.

That is exactly what happens when kids explore coding. I love watching their faces as they try to process that people have to “tell” technology what to do in order for a game to work. For many kids, the thought of creating games is even more exciting than playing them. Daisy the Dinosaur (free) – This app is best suited for early childhood students or for a very basic intro for older students.

Hopscotch (free) – Created by the same developer as Daisy the Dino, this app takes coding/programming a step further. I also suggest checking out the Hopscotch Teacher Guide provided by the app developer. Cargo-Bot (free) – This is a game-based app that teaches coding as kids progress through challenges in the game. Like this: Like Loading...