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Community Manager. Why people participate in online communities. My dear friend Yaniv Golan, CTO of Yedda, had given a brilliant presentation regarding Incentives In Online Social Communities a few weeks ago at The Marker COM.vention and since it’s unfortunately in Hebrew, I wanted to translate it, include some of my own additions, and share it with you. Online community participation Yaniv Golan Let’s start with the obvious question….Why? Why do users comment? Why do they write blogs? What are the motives behind user participation in social communities? Membership life cycle for online communities Amy Jo Kim was the first to propose the idea of a member’s life cycle in an online community (2000). Peripheral (i.e. Power Law of Participation According to Ross Mayfield: “The vast majority of users will not have a high level of engagement with a given group, and most tend to be free riders upon community value.

Participation Inequality Social Platforms – the 1% rule On Wikipedia for example, participation inequality is even higher. So now you ask… Guide to Using Community for Marketing. We were at the Community2.0 conference in Las Vegas. Many of us are brands or marketers. We want to engage with or build community to meet some marketing goal - itself designed around a business goal.

We may want more loyal customers, a way to activate brand advocates, build brand reputation and value, and even sell products and services. For marketers at a community conference, we needed to talk about real-world practices where we have engaged with communities to get business done. We need to go beyond community 101. We accepted the folllowing: we need to serve the authentic needs of community members our solution is not simply shoe-horning display advertising into community spaces activating and stewarding community takes a new expertise I had four experts on our panel and another 50 in the room Each understands a marketer’s perspective. Insider’s Guide for Marketers using “Community” Avoid registration as it becomes a barrier to entry that slows down or can choke the community. Twelve best practices for online customer communities. One of the more significant Web 2.0 trends in business this year has been the advent of the Web-based customer community, where groups of like-minded individuals focus around a brand or a set of product and services come together and interact online.

Far from the cynical marketing ploy that it can sometimes seem, customer communities often sprout up on the initiative of passionate customers. Successful examples of this include XMFan around XM Radio, HDTalking for Harley-Davidson, and IKEAFANS on IKEA products. It's imporant to note that the communities above are vibrant, active, and absolutely not affiliated with the businesses that the communities are focused on.

As a result, business are increasingly realizing they can reap benefits by attempting to foster these communities themselves, rather than hoping that a group of users will do it on their own. Deloitte's Tribalization of Business customer community study is getting a lot of attention. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Eight Considerations to Help Branded C. Community building: Getting members active and addicted | Community Building. This is the tenth article in what I hope will be an indefinite series about the processes involved in developing a new online community from scratch.

I am currently developing a new online community and am detailing its development on this blog. Community building: The real challenge Many community builders will tell you that getting visitors to register and become members is the easy part. The biggest challenge comes in trying to get those members active and addicted. Registering is should be easy. Keep the community visible Don’t hide your community. Make registration links prominent Don’t go overboard, but don’t hide your registration form. Make registration easy Some community builders argue that you should try to collect as much information as possible from users when they register. My registration page asks for a username, password and email address.

Keep an eye on the activation process Sometimes, people won’t respond to the activation emails or they won’t even receive them. InShare0. How to Kill A Community in 10 Easy Steps. There has been a lot of buzz lately about the how many empty or failed online communities litter the web. As with any hype-cycle, people run out to get or make the latest thing - in this case a social network or community - and often don't think through what having one will be like. It's kind of like getting a puppy - exciting at first, but hard work thereafter! So, the question at hand is how to keep your community alive and thriving? Or, on the flip side, here are the top 10 ways to (inadvertently) to kill an online community: 1) Launch your community without a beta group. Do not involve users in the design of the community under the auspices that you know better than they do what they want. 2) Throw feature-spaghetti at the wall and hope something sticks.Add as many new and cool features to your (business) community and clutter it with bells and whistles. 3) Don't "feed" your community once it is open. 5) Assume size is THE critical differentiator.

Connect: Authored by: Vanessa DiMauro. Dynamique participative : le jeu de l'ego. L'ego reste un levier incontournable si l'on veut asseoir une dynamique participative à un site communautaire. Le premier niveau de valorisation de l'ego c'est de laisser une liberté totale. Pas de freins, pas de contrôles. Ce qu'a fait CNN avec son site dont la baseline est claire : "unedited. Unfiltered. News". Du reste est né d'un premier échec du mode participatif chez CNN. Dans un premier temps, CNN avait proposé au quidam de proposer ses news. Le deuxième niveau c'est donc de valoriser toute proposition "libre" en lui permettant de se trouver relayée sur un site d'audience plus importante, ou plus qualitative.

Le troisième niveau de valorisation, c'est de permettre aux contributeurs de s'élever dans la hiérarchie des décideurs (la spirale de l'ego). Digital Embassies: A Blueprint For Community Engagement. Upon first arriving at Edelman, I noticed that our language was a bit different when talking about community aspects of social media. Instead of saying "Facebook this and Twitter that" we often refer to the properties organizations manage online as "embassies". While we work with clients closely in both consultative, strategic and tactical ways, it seemed like the right time to take a step back and focus on what's really important. Engaging your community. So Call this a blueprint if you will for how you and your organization can think about building and managing multiple embassies in a hyper-connected world.

Social Engagement Let's begin here. The original digital revolution resulted in a massive deluge of owned digital properties released on the Web. Digital Embassies, Ambassadors & Envoys Philosophically, organizations need to shift their attitudes about how they communicate and engage with stakeholders and view digital properties as not only owned, but managed. Community Engagement 1.