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HUMAN 2.0 - CREATING GODS pt.4. The Story about Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity Gets the Time Magazine Cover | Maria Konovalenko. Rapid Cell Regeneration. Dwarf Village May Hold Clues to Cure Cancer - Thought-controlled wheelchairs and bionics that 'feel' 17 February 2011Last updated at 20:33 By Neil Bowdler Science reporter, BBC News, Washington DC Watch the prototype wheelchair in action Thought-controlled wheelchairs and nerve-controlled prosthetic arms are some of the latest innovations in bionics being discussed at a science conference in Washington. The wheelchair can be directed by brain signals detected using a cap fitted to the user and is the work of scientists at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL).

It is part of efforts to control machines directly via brain signals, which could lead to new devices for the paralysed and disabled. Nerve surgery The main focus of bionics to date has been on providing prosthetics for amputees. Prosthetic arms can now be controlled by nerve signals in the remaining arm, which can be picked up by electric sensors on the skin. "If you touch the person on this 'reinnervated' skin, they feel their missing hand. Elective amputation. Thought-controlled wheelchairs and bionics that 'feel' Artificial Organ Regrowth - NOVA scienceNOW.

CyberMedicine. First Commercial 3-D Bioprinter Fabricates Organs To Order. The problem with organ transplants is that the organ has to come from someone else. Since most people rather fancy their hearts and lungs, getting any organ other than a kidney usually requires the difficult combination of donor consent and timely death. In an attempt to circumvent that limitation, the engineering company engineering firm Invetech teamed up with the medical company Organovo to produce the first commercial 3-D bio-printer. The device, which works like a 3-D fabricator, builds organs up one layer of cells at a time. Instead of using melted plastic or ink, the printer uses different cells based on the recipient's own body, thus significantly lowering the chance of organ rejection. For some of the more complex organs, the printer lays the cells over a pre-made scaffold. Naturally, these companies created this device for the benefit of mankind and human health, but I'm looking forward to using it for the benefit of my taste buds.

Perfectly marbled cut of bone-in rib eye?