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College of Complementary Medicine

College of Complementary Medicine (CCM) is a registered training organisation shaping confident and successful practitioners. Study kinesiology and complementary health today.

Study Kinesiology Melbourne & Sydney. Vipassana 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat: My Experien... Is it time for a Digital Detox: Is your Screen Time taking over your life? How much time do you spend on a screen?

Is it time for a Digital Detox: Is your Screen Time taking over your life?

I realize that unless someone printed this out for you, you are likely viewing it on a screen right now. Are you aware of how much time you spend on digital devices? Do you feel you have a healthy digital diet? Just like our food diet, varied consumption of digital media is more manageable at different levels for each individual. Kinesiologist/Mind Body Medicine Practitioner. Study Sports Therapy Kinesiology Online. Professional Development Courses. Dry Brushing - Complementary College of Medicine. Time for a digital detox? - CCM Blog - College of Complementary Medicine. 5Tips to be a Sustainable Shopper, Conscious Consumer, and Reduce your Impact on the Earth. Sungazing: What is it? And is it Safe? - CCM BLOG.

College of Complementary Medicine. Transpersonal Therapy Australia. Kinesiologist/Mind Body Medicine Practitioner. 10708NAT Advanced Diploma of Integrative Complementary Medicine. Study Holistic Medicine Online. Study Kinesiology Melbourne & Sydney. Is it time for a Digital Detox Is your Screen Time taking over your life. CCM International Students. 3 Step Morning Routine - 3 Step Morning Routine. After reading a book called The 5 am Club by Robin Sharma.

3 Step Morning Routine - 3 Step Morning Routine

I thought to myself if I read this book and do absolutely nothing about it then reading that book was a waste of my time! During lockdown, I adapted it to the 6 am Club. As the weeks went on, I found so many things began to change — all seemingly kickstarted by the way I the start my day. There are 3 categories that I find very beneficial: Sungazing: What is it? And is it Safe? CCM: College of Complementary Medicine.