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QR Codes Anywhere. QR Codes. Creative Search Media - Digital Signage, Mobile Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, Search Marketing - Interactive Marketing Agency. – chris dixon's blog. 2D Barcode Strategy. Mobile Ad Spending to Gain Momentum. Despite the rising number of mobile users and their increasingly sophisticated habits and mobile devices, advertising and marketing dollars flowing to mobile lag behind consumer usage of the channel. But long-term growth trends are positive. Spending on mobile advertising is set to increase rapidly over the next five years. eMarketer estimates that mobile ad spending, including messaging-based formats, will reach $416 million in 2009, increasing to $1.56 billion by 2013. “As an emerging advertising channel, mobile will continue to see lofty growth rates through 2013,” said Noah Elkin, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, “Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Change Is in the Air.”

“Mobile will grow considerably more quickly than online ad spending as a whole, more in line with emerging online formats such as digital video.” Estimates for mobile ad spending span a broad range. For answers to these key questions, purchase the “Mobile Advertising and Marketing” report today: The Future of Mobile and Mobile Marketing.