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Facebook Twitter Chaîne de BlueMarsOnline1. BLUE MARS 3D Social Worlds - Play, Chat, Create. The Movies FR :: page principale. Bienvenue sur THE MOVIES FR, la communauté du machinima et de l'animation francophones ! (The Movies, Moviestorm, Muvizu, Les Sims, iClone, Second Life, GTA, WOW, etc.). Welcome on THE MOVIES FR, the French speaking community for The Movies, Moviestorm and all applications that lets anyone make animated movies with their computer. Les dix derniers machinimas parus:[Sims 3] Sortilèges 1 : Le Mystère de l'Atlantide - de NicogothikLa Pokésoup (partie 1) - de titousky[The Movies]Le Scénariste (épisode 1) - de Steeven Spie [I-Clone] Indiana Jones et la Pierre de Temps (épisode 1) - de WabbyCartoon Trash : La Quenelle de Dieudonné - de caljbeut[Les Sims 3] Merry Christmas - de Naissou[Moviestorm] Le Père Noël existe !

A la suite d'une discussion et d'un vote du Jury Élargi, le film Indiana Jones et la Pierre de Temps (épisode 1) - de Wabby (février 2014)) se voit octroyer le label de distinction Sélection The Movies FR. LIEN DU SITE MACHINEASTE.COM: ! . La machinima - cin ma du virtuel - Liens Web. Forums Second Life. Lexique SL. FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL. Avatarlife. Ysé sliffeuse et gloodeuse. Mademoiselle. Mac on SL. Detente en Prim. Forums. Fans of Harley Davidson at Pop Art Lab – by Iono Allen – Second. Second Life: Video Production and Machinima. Over the last week, I’ve spent approximately 24 hours in Second Life, about 3-4 hours a night, exploring the sights and chatting with various inhabitants. Once word got out about the first article in this ongoing series, I was inundated with compliments, requests, and information from around the world. One thing you quickly notice is that while everyone tends to look “similar”, their backgrounds are anything but.

People in SecondLife are all slender, attractive, with long flowing air and ripped abs; I don’t think I saw a single portly or overweight avatar during my travels. I did see a few “furries”, but they seemed in the minority. What I did see was amazing environments, made possible by the unlimited control Linden gives you over your space. Mountains and buildings floating in the sky, recreations of famous movie landmarks, waterfalls and rolling green hills, it seems anything you can imagine has been constructed somewhere inworld, and if it hasn’t then you are welcome to create it. Woman is Africa's Hope - An installation by Betty Tureaud ] by I. Machinima Content Companies. Making movies. From Second Life Wiki Torley's Guide to Making Movies! Friendly greetings! Torley, Resident Enlightenment Manager @ Linden Lab here. If you want to make movies in Second Life, you've come to the right place.

I once was new to all this, and learned many tips 'n' tricks over the years I've distilled for your convenience. Whether it's video tutorials or story-driven machinima, the basic principles are the same. I know your time is short and you want to get started soon — this guide isn't meant to be all-comprehensive, but is intended to smooth your path so you can get up and running quickly.

How it happens Making movies in Second Life usually goes like this. Start the recording software. One of the simplest ways you can do this on Windows is a free recorder like XFire or WeGame: I use Techsmith Camtasia and Sony Vegas to make my vidtuts. Hardware Multi-core CPU - As of this writing, see The 2008 PC Builder's Bible for suggestions. Improve your performance Graphics Preferences Software Recording.

Ecole SL. Erasmebeck on Justin. Jass-2.1 for OSX (Mac) is released. « QAvimator. Kamachinima Production. Fluent Media Productions | collaboration not competition. Pop Vox.