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Enjoyment of life 'key to living longer' 15 October 2012Last updated at 03:44 ET By Hannah Richardson BBC News education and family reporter The study suggested those who were physically active remained healthy longer Those who enjoy life the most are three times more likely to live a little longer than those who enjoy it the least, a study of ageing suggests.

Enjoyment of life 'key to living longer'

University College London researchers' study of 10,000 English people also suggested future disability and poor health could be predicted by the state of a person's mind. The team said the effects were "large" and independent of age, sex and wealth. Happiness could be used to spot people at risk of ill health, they added. Besse Cooper, world’s oldest living person offers tips on longevity.

Besse Cooper is the oldest person in the world. (The Canadian Press, File) What does it take to live to be the oldest person on the planet? Besse Cooper knows. The American super centenarian celebrated her 116 th birthday on Saturday, a milestone that the Guinness Book of World Records says only eight people have ever reached. The oldest living person — she's held that title since 2011 — celebrated her birthday surrounded by friends and family in the nursing home where she resides in Monroe, Georgia.

Okinawa japan longevity. Okinawa’s Longevity Lessons. February 9, 2012 admin Embrace an ikigai Older Okinawans can readily articulate the reason they get up in the morning.

Okinawa’s Longevity Lessons

Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ From 4 Long-lived Cultures, 9 Tips for Longevity. As droves of baby boomers retire or prepare to do so, the generation that never settles is now focused on maximizing health, fulfillment, and longevity.

From 4 Long-lived Cultures, 9 Tips for Longevity

And the quest for a fountain of youth is getting a renewed surge of interest replete with its own cadre of titles and television shows meant to inspire and guide seekers on the journey to long, "well" lives. In keeping with the trend, Dan Buettner—writer, holder of three Guinness world records in long-distance cycling, and leader of multiple international adventures—brings us The Blue Zone: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest, which hits bookstore shelves today. His book is the culmination of a project that began in 2000 and included a 2005 National Geographic cover story, "The Secrets of Living Longer.

" Loma Linda Leads in Longevity. If you want a long life, move to Loma Linda.

Loma Linda Leads in Longevity

Residents of the small San Bernardino County community (population 21,000) routinely live to 100. A new study shows American woman are not living as long these days as they did a generation ago, but Loma Linda is bucking the trend. Secrets of the World's Oldest Family - Page 1. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy.

Secrets of the World's Oldest Family - Page 1

Blue Zones. By Dan Buettner Life expectancy of an American born today averages 78.2 years.

Blue Zones

But this year, over 70,000 Americans have reached their 100th birthday. What are they doing that the average American isn’t (or won’t?) 9 Foods That Will Make You Live Forever...Almost" Broccoli is a wonder food.

9 Foods That Will Make You Live Forever...Almost"

High in fiber, it's also a great dietary source of two B vitamins, folate and riboflavin, as well as potassium, iron and vitamin C. Even though it's not orange, broccoli contains high amounts of anti-aging beta carotene and lutein. All these nutrients boost your health, but some have special functions. Folate is essential for cell reproduction and formation of hemoglobin that oxygenates red blood cells.

Like antioxidants, it fights cancer and heart disease. Riboflavin aids metabolism, gives you energy, and is necessary to make other vitamins function in your body. Every cell in your body contains iron. The towns where people live the longest. Each town reveals something different about aging The quest to live longer is one of humanity's oldest dreams and three isolated communities seem to have stumbled across the answer.

The towns where people live the longest

So what can they teach us about a longer life? Something remarkable links the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, the small Sardinian mountain town of Ovodda and Loma Linda in the US. People live longer in these three places than anywhere else on earth. Long-Lived Costa Ricans Offer Secrets to Reaching 100. April 14, 2008 At the age of 102, Abuela Panchita is still a social butterfly.

Long-Lived Costa Ricans Offer Secrets to Reaching 100

The centenarian, who lives on Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, has a solid support network of friends and family, which includes a son in his eighties who visits her every morning on his bicycle. Her age and sociability are no coincidence, said Dan Buettner, an explorer and book author who has studied Panchita and other elderly Costa Ricans. "We know that people who make it to a hundred tend to be nice," he said. "They … drink from the fountain of life by being likeable and drawing people to them. " Buettner has explored and studied the world's centenarian hot spots—which he calls blue zones—over the past several years.

(Buettner has also received funding from the National Geographic Society, which owns National Geographic News.) (Read about Buettner's work in National Geographic Magazine.) Blue Zones. The Greek island of old age. 6 January 2013Last updated at 19:08 ET By Andrew Bomford BBC News, Ikaria, Greece The inhabitants of a small Greek island live on average 10 years longer than the rest of western Europe.

The Greek island of old age

Sardinian siblings aged 818 officially the world's oldest. How Long Will I Live? - Life Expectancy Calculator.