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Cyberharcélement. Non au harcèlement : site officiel de la campagne. Bullying Prevention Month - Collection - US Teaching Resources - TES. How to Develop a School Culture That Helps Curb Bullying. After years of dealing with school bullying through traditional punishments, Carolyne Quintana, the principal of Bronxdale High School in New York City, introduced restorative justice approaches at her school because she wanted students to feel trusted and cared for.

How to Develop a School Culture That Helps Curb Bullying

“It wasn’t just about bullying incidents, it was about the whole school culture,” she said. To build community and handle “instances of harm” among the students, teachers bring the kids together to talk in “restorative circles,” where everyone has an opportunity to listen and be heard. Bronxdale uses circles for most of its group communications, including parent meetings and ninth-grade orientation.

LE COLLEGE ET LE LYCEE ENTRE HARCELEMENT ET CYBER(1) 5 43 CYBERHARCELEMENT MANUEL POUR ENSEIGNANTS. Y 17 Ecole et EPLE Agir sur le harcèlement par le climat scolaire. w51 Fiche conseil mener un entretien avec un enfant vicime de violence. w69 HARCELEMENT SCOLAIRE PROPOSER DES OUTILS AUX PROFESSIONNELS (EDUCATION SANTE n° 326) Y 15 10 conseils pour prévenir et lutter contre le harcèlement. w6 Dossier Harcèlement à lécole comment réagir. Y 16 Que faire face à une situation de harcèlement.

Derrière la porte ... - - le film interactif. Stop la violence ! Stop la violence ! Tu mènes l'enquête dans un cas de harcèlement. Harcèlement.