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Road Rage

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Rambos of the Road by Martin Gottfried. Rambo. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Road Rage by Wikipedia. Traffic congestion may be a contributing factor to driver frustration and road rage.

Road Rage by Wikipedia

Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other road vehicle. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions that result in injuries and even deaths. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. The term originated in the United States in 1987–1988 (specifically, from Newscasters at KTLA, a television station in Los Angeles), when a rash of freeway shootings occurred on the 405, 110, and 10 freeways in Los Angeles, California.