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Ressources jQuery/CSS pour vos sites web. Pour être toujours au top lors de la création d’un webdesign ou pendant le développement, je vous ai préparé une petite sélection de ressources fraîches et utiles à base de jQuery et CSS.

Ressources jQuery/CSS pour vos sites web

jQuery : écrivez moins pour faire plus ! - Javascript. Guggenheim - Une galerie Javascript avec tri et filtres dynamiques. 23 Fresh And Excellent jQuery Tutorials. Javascript. 5 plugins jQuery libres à avoir pour les concepteurs Web. jQuery est une bibliothèque JavaScript très populaire qui encourage les développeurs à « écrire moins, et en faire plus » !

5 plugins jQuery libres à avoir pour les concepteurs Web

Il s’agit de l’un des moyens les plus faciles pour commencer à puiser dans la puissance du langage JavaScript sans être écroulé par un tas de code compliqué. En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’une boîte à outils accessible pour n’importe qui ayant une expérience avec les langages HTML et CSS, mais il est tout aussi utile dans les mains d’experts. Il semble y avoir une réserve inépuisable de plugins jQuery tout autour du Web, mais quelques-uns ont, pour lesquels j’ai pu tester leur utilité récemment, porté toute mon attention. Voici une liste de cinq plugins pour lesquels vous pouvez devez les utiliser dans un projet, ou du moins y jeter un œil !

jQuery Scroll Path est carrément incroyable. Découvrez les explications de ce plugin sur le blog du développeur ou testez sa démo ! Note : À noter que toutes les images utilisées doivent être de la même taille. Understanding MVVM – A Guide For JavaScript Developers. MVVM (Model View ViewModel) is an architectural pattern based on MVC and MVP, which attempts to more clearly separate the development of user-interfaces (UI) from that of the business logic and behaviour in an application.

To this end, many implementations of this pattern make use of declarative data bindings to allow a separation of work on Views from other layers. This facilitates UI and development work occurring almost simultaneously within the same codebase. UI developers write bindings to the ViewModel within their document markup (HTML), where the Model and ViewModel are maintained by developers working on the logic for the application.

History MVVM was originally defined by Microsoft for use with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight, having been officially announced in 2005 by John Grossman in a blog post about Avalon (the codename for WPF). Let’s now review the three components that compose MVVM. Ressources : Visualisation de Données avec Javascript - ressource-javascript. Aujourd'hui sur le Blog du Webdesign, découvrez une collection de script javascript dédiés au charting.

Ressources : Visualisation de Données avec Javascript - ressource-javascript

Parce que nous vivons entourés de données, voilà une sélection d'outils pour transformer quelques chiffres ternes en des graphiques fort sympathiques. Moowheel est certes un peu vieux et semble abandonné depuis 2008. Néanmoins, je le trouve très intéressant graphiquement. Arctext.js - Curving Text with CSS3 and jQuery. While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path.

Arctext.js - Curving Text with CSS3 and jQuery

Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let's you do exactly that. Based on Lettering.js, it calculates the right rotation of each letter and distributes the letters equally across the imaginary arc of the given radius. View demo Download source. 10 Javascript Text Effects. There are many ways to enhance web typography, we used to use flash replacement script such as sIFR to change the font face by using flash embed, but the drawback is it’s using flash to replace existing font and it could slow down webpage.

10 Javascript Text Effects

Now we moved on to font embedding service such as Typekit and the free Google font. We love this solution because it’s easy to use and integrate into existing website. So, what if you want something a little bit more cooler without using those web services? - Tutoriels et formations, informatique, bure.

Animated CSS3 Calendar. JQuery Translate plugin – Google API based. 25 jQuery Plugins to help with Responsive Layouts. The most popular topic of discussion at the moment is undoubtedly responsive layouts in web design.

25 jQuery Plugins to help with Responsive Layouts

Without going into it too much, a responsive layout allows you to offer a specific and optimised screen size based on whatever device (mobile, tablet…) the visitor uses. You would typically use Media Queries to resize the overall layout, but what about all of those individual elements and features that make your page unique? Navigation, forms, images, sliders, carousels… they all need to be optimised as well. That is were this post comes in, by highlighting 25 jQuery plugins that will help you optimise and resize those trickier web elements. Response.js Response JS is a lightweight plugin that gives you the tools for producing performance-optimized, mobile-first responsive websites. Response.js Responsly The Responsly plugin is a set of simple responsive widgets written using CSS3 transformations. JavaScript++: New, Powerful Language for Better Web Development. Web development blog, news and reviews - Developer Drive. jQuery is an actively-developed JavaScript library with a fairly rapid release cycle.

Web development blog, news and reviews - Developer Drive

As well as general enhancements, performance tweaks and bug fixes, new methods are frequently added to the library. In this article we’ll take a look at the new methods that have been added to the 1.6+ release and some of the enhancements. Delaying the ready event with the holdReady() method. JsMorph - javaScript motion framework. How to use Media Queries in JavaScript. Responsive design is one of the most exciting web layout concepts since CSS replaced tables.

How to use Media Queries in JavaScript

The underlying technology uses media queries to determine the viewing device type, width, height, orientation, resolution, aspect ratio, and color depth to serve different stylesheets. In the following example, cssbasic.css is served to all devices. But, if it’s a screen with a horizontal width of 500 pixels or greater, csswide.css is also sent: The possibilities are endless and the technique has recently been exploited by sites such as The Boston Globe, Spark Box and Food Sense. Change the width of your browser to discover how the layout changes. Essential jQuery Plugin Patterns - Smashing Coding. Advertisement I occasionally write about implementing design patterns1 in JavaScript.

Essential jQuery Plugin Patterns - Smashing Coding

They’re an excellent way of building upon proven approaches to solving common development problems, and I think there’s a lot of benefit to using them. But while well-known JavaScript patterns are useful, another side of development could benefit from its own set of design patterns: jQuery plugins. The official jQuery plugin authoring guide2 offers a great starting point for getting into writing plugins and widgets, but let’s take it further. Plugin development has evolved over the past few years.

Some developers may wish to use the jQuery UI widget factory3; it’s great for complex, flexible UI components. Portamento - easy sliding/floating panels in jQuery. Portamento is a jQuery plugin that makes it simple to add sliding (aka "floating") panel functionality to your web page.

Portamento - easy sliding/floating panels in jQuery

All that's needed is some simple CSS and one line of JavaScript, and you're away! It works fine with floated and absolutely-positioned layouts, in all modern browsers and some not-so-modern ones too. Portamento also has sensible behaviour if the user's viewport is too small to display the whole panel, so you don't need to worry about users not being able to see your important content. jQuery Pagination revised - Code is Poetry. There are many nasty pagination implementations and certainly sooner or later I've also written such a cruelty. That's why I've been working on a generalized solution for long in order to combine the variety of needs that are imposed on such a navigation to finally put an end to blocks of code that are copied from one project to another with the consequence that it gets no longer understood over the time.

The result of these efforts is my third jQuery plugin that has another big advantage over server side pagination; by generating the links virtually on the client, the risk of duplicate content drops and the need of ugly follow, noindex link attributes left unnecessary. The pagination plugin also combines a varity of features. Clear default text in input boxes on click with jQuery. Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners. Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. Orbit and Reveal: jQuery Plug-Ins For Image Sliders and Modal Windows - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement A visitor comes to your website all giddy to learn more about your product, when suddenly a snazzy slideshow loads with some snap.

Impressed, they go to register and are greeted by a most elegant modal window. At this point they are finally overjoyed by the velociraptor that suddenly charges across their screen. They don’t know why but they like it. Crafting a polished and unique experience for your users is becoming ever more critical as the Web gets more overloaded. For Your Script Loading Needs. As JavaScript usage has skyrocketed over the last few years, so has the sheer number of scripts that are being loaded in an average web page.

With these script tags comes a lot of baggage, such as blocking and lack of dependency management. Today, I'd like to bring your attention to a number of JavaScript loaders, which are mini toolkits that significantly simplify how you add and load scripts. The Problem with Simple Script Tags. Créer un menu déroulant “accordéon” avec jQuery.