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The 30 Scariest Movies of All Time. Grab a blanket and a buddy (or five!)

The 30 Scariest Movies of All Time

, because you're going to need both to make it through these films! All of the following movies are proceeded by their dark reputations: they are the goriest, freakiest, and most terrifying horror flicks we could find. They're sure to put you in the mood for Halloween! Watch at your own risk, and be ready for nightmares, because the content of these films tends to linger... 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. The 5 Creepiest Short Films I've Ever Seen - Remy Carreiro. I like my horror like I like my uzi fire: in short bursts. So for that reason, I have been combing Youtube for years, trying to find incredibly creepy short films to sate my need.

For the most part, I have had to work my way through heaps of coal to find the few diamonds. But I found them. Some are creepy because they effectively play off of our most innate fears. Some are creepy because they are spins in old urban legends we have heard time and time again. And some are just inexplicably creepy. And the best part? Bedfellows This film manages to be scarier in two and a half minutes than most full length movies. It tells a relatively simple story of a woman recieving a rather unexpected call late one night. Besides the last frame of the film, which is a bit silly, this film is pitch perfect and sits with you long after you see it.

Or should I say, lays with you? Red Lines Man, if there is one thing we hate more than staying after school, it is staying after school in a haunted school. The Black Hole. The Five Best and the Five Worst Horror Movies of 2012 (Thus Far) - Remy Carreiro. It’s been a really interesting year for horror movies so far.

The Five Best and the Five Worst Horror Movies of 2012 (Thus Far) - Remy Carreiro

Granted, we are only a few months away from the end of the year, so I probably could have waited a few months, but the line between the great horror films, and the terrible horror films is already so divided, that it needs to be discussed. Some of the horror films I have seen this year have truly dropped my jaw and redefined the genre for me.

While a few others were so poorly executed, I wondered how they ever got the green light in the first place . I also feel the need to say that horror means many different things to different people. So just because kids getting kidnapped isn’t horror to you (maybe you need torture-porn and monsters or something), or CG werewolves fighting Cg vampires isn’t horror to you, that doesn’t mean these films are not “horror films”, in the genre sense. Chernobyl Diaries This promotional image is ten times better than the actual film. This film had SO MUCH potential. The Devil Inside Rec 3 [Genesis]