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Bechamel. Marinara Sauce Recipe. Homemade Sun-Dried Tomatoes Recipe Basics. Normally, the thought of dried food does not bring to mind a gourmet meal.

Homemade Sun-Dried Tomatoes Recipe Basics

However, a relatively small amount of sun-dried tomatoes gives a gourmet touch and a burst of flavor to a variety of recipes. Easy to make, store, and use at home, this is an item you may wish to consider a staple in your pantry. Homemade sun-dried tomatoes basic recipe Although prices have come down in recent years, it's still worthwhile to make your own at home, particularly if you have a tomato garden. The basic process is easy enough. Simply slice tomatoes in half, place on a raised screen, lightly sprinkle with salt and optional herbs, and place in the hot sun until dry. If the old-fashioned method sounds too time-consuming, you'll be happy to know you can achieve the same lusty results with an oven-method or a dehydrator in a fraction of the time. Sun-dried tomatoes warning The end product must be perfectly dry but not crispy, with no inner moisture in order to avoid bacteria growth. Pesto Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Roasted Asparagus. Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup by Damn Delicious Share Video.

Pesto Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Roasted Asparagus

Bechamel. ¿Cómo preparar una salsa bechamel y cuáles son sus trucos? La salsa bechamel es una de las seis salsas madres, usada en muchísimas recetas de cocina, y de la cual se derivan diversas preparaciones.

¿Cómo preparar una salsa bechamel y cuáles son sus trucos?

Pero a pesar de su popularidad, no a todos le queda bien. A continuación tres pasos fáciles para prepararla y cinco trucos que la hacen perfecta. Ingredientes: 60-80 g de harina 60-80 g de mantequilla 1 litro de leche entera Nuez moscada, sal y pimienta Preparación: Preparamos un roux: Derretimos la mantequilla, mezclamos con la harina y removemos durante un minuto a fuego medio. Cuando la leche esté hirviendo echamos poco a poco mezclando hasta que no queden grumos. Al final añadimos la pimienta negra recién molida, la nuez moscada y la sal. 5 Trucos para conseguir una salsa bechamel perfecta 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Artículos relacionadosArtículos del Autor Tapas y pasapalos El horseradish, planta de la cual se utiliza la raíz en la cocina para aportar sabor picante Especiales Principales.

Salsa de tomate básica! Desde que tengo uso de razón, esta salsa es una fija en mi cocina.

Salsa de tomate básica!

Salsa napolitana. La salsa napolitana es muy versátil; sirve para la base de pizzas, para pasta, para sándwiches y hasta como dip.

Salsa napolitana

Ingredientes 6 tomates 1 cebolla 3 dientes de ajo 1 zanahoria 1/2 pimentón Aceite de oliva (para sofreír) Preparación Pela los dientes de ajo y los tomates, y pica finamente. Trocea lo más pequeño que puedas la cebolla, el pimentón y la zanahoria. Sofríe las cebollas en el aceite de oliva, cuando estén comenzando a transparentar añade el ajo. Skinny Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo. Skinny chicken broccoli Alfredo so good you will never miss the extra calories Chicken Alfredo is my favorite Italian dish.

Skinny Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo

When I was younger, every Italian restaurant we went to, I’d order chicken fettuccine Alfredo, and believe me, I knew how bad it was but the worst things in life are always the best things in life – or at least in the moment it is, but then the after effects aren’t so fun. Which is why I’m probably paying for it now with all my years of eating fettuccine alfredo. Dropping the last 5 stubborn pounds before my wedding is gonna prove to be hard! I have definitely peaked as far as weight loss goes so I might need to juice ;) I actually met with a personal trainer at work a couple days ago and she gave me some workouts to do for my arms and shoulders to tone them up and I went to the gym last night to do them and omg. Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo.

A rich and creamy lightened up alfredo sauce that’s so easy to make, and it tastes just as good as the original!

Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo

Fettuccine alfredo is one of favorite kind of comfort foods. It was always my go-to dish as a kid each time we went out to an Italian restaurant, particularly Olive Garden. But as I’m getting older and my metabolism has come to a screeching halt, it’s been getting a little bit difficult to stomach this. Fortunately, I’ve found a “skinny” version that’s a little lighter on your tummy, and it tastes just as creamy and comforting as the original! With a couple of lightened up options, you’ll have this comforting fettuccine on your dinner table in less than 30 minutes. Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo. An incredibly creamy, rich alfredo sauce made with roasted red peppers and crumbled goat cheese, and it takes just 30 min to make from start to finish!

Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo

When I first saw this recipe on Lauren’s Latest, I knew I had to make it immediately. But of course life happens and deadlines happen and you completely forget about that amazing alfredo sauce you just had to make right then and there. Well, I am happy to report back that after 1 year and 9 months, I finally made it and it was quite an epic dish in our household.