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Trojan Horses are not Trojan Mice. 5 Questions to Spot the Difference. How did the other pilots go? ….tumbleweed… Phased Implementation is not a Safe to Fail Pilot. I want to paint this in 6ft high letters somewhere that; ‘Policy Wonks’, PRINCE2 Practitioners, Think Tank Strategists, and Corporate Policy Leads can see it every day. Phased implementation of a single big idea, quite often gets disguised as a ‘pilot project’. In reality it is just a Trojan Horse. I’ve had a couple of conversations recently about managing risk and learning from failure.

Apologies if that sounds a bit sceptical. How to spot a real pilot exercise. Here are five questions to throw into the conversation. How did you generate different ideas for your pilots? Possibly a bit cruel, but remember; Trojan Horses (single idea, phased implementation) are very different to Trojan Mice (multiple safe to fail experiments run in parallel). So, what’s the PONT? Pilots (testing things rigorously) are very different from phased implementation. Picture Source. Linked Posts: Like this: Like Loading... Academic CVs: 10 irritating mistakes | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. Applications to academic jobs are notoriously convoluted, particularly to posts which combine teaching and research. Typically the CV will be one document among a groaning dossier that might well comprise a cover letter, a research statement, a teaching statement, sample courses or syllabi, and even (on occasion) a diversity statement. Where do you start? And with so many elements to worry about, how important is the CV?

The answer is that it is very important. Many selection committee members say that the first document they look at is the CV. What follows is my list of the top 10 most irritating mistakes – irritating because they can so easily be fixed. 1) Not scannable Be realistic: your CV will almost certainly not be read in detail, line by line, word by word, until you have made it at least on to a longlist and very probably not until you have made it all the way to the shortlist. 2) Sections split across pages This is part of the logic of scanning. 9) No page numbers. Twitter Chat How To Plan And Start Your Own. Twitter is a great place to start if you want to build your own PLN (Personal Learning Network).

There are lots of educators out there, covering all types of different subject matter and they have all embraced Twitter as their weapon of choice when it comes to sharing great resources and opinions. Of course, we have to remind ourselves that Twitter was not built as an IM (Instant Messaging) client and therefore has its limitations, like the 140 characters. But over the years people have “hacked” the platform and by looking at the amount of Twitter chats going on every week, it seems to work very well. A Twitter chat is usually a scheduled meeting, for instance once a week, where like minded people (in our case educators) gather around a certain topic and create an online discussion. In order to find the relevant tweets of such a Twitter chat a so called “hashtag” is chosen by the organizer. 1. 2. 3.

The popular #edchat uses a free tool called Twtpoll for their surveys. 1. 2. 21st Century PLNs for School Leaders. Cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by krossbow I have to admit that I was pretty excited to write my first post for the Edutopia group that has a great list of educators sharing some of their best practices. I wanted to share the piece in my own learning space, but you can see the original article posted on the Edutopia site. As many school administrators are enjoying their summer break, we all tend to think of ways that we can make our school better in the upcoming year. Often, I point school principals and district leaders to a powerful post by Will Richardson that helps us point the finger right at ourselves when we are looking to push our school ahead. Richardson states: “Meaningful change ain’t gonna happen for our kids if we’re not willing to invest in it for ourselves first. With that being said, I have spent the last few years focusing a great deal on my work as an instructional leader within my role as school-based principal, and now as division principal. 2) Read Blogs.

Web Tools for Teachers by Type. Web Literacy Standard 1.0 from Mozilla.