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Lacquerized - A blog about nail polish. Justin Alexander Worldwide - Wedding Gowns, Dresses and Evening wear. What Do You Want To Look Like? What style of dressing are you most drawn to? Boho? Rockabilly? Classic? What style of dressing is the one you'd adopt if you had unlimited cash, unlimited time, a completely nurturing environment, and the ideal body shape to pull it off?

Now. I'm not being cheeky, I swear! Then take a look at these workarounds. But first! "Wrong" body shape You want to dress like Joan from Mad Men, but you're built like a granola bar. What key pieces can you appropriate? Broke You want to dress like Gwen Stefani and Posh and Madonna. Can you shop thrift and vintage, with a list of styles in hand?

Conservative/intolerant environment You want to dress like a rock star, a pin-up girl, a circus performer, a mermaid. Can you amass pieces and tools that contribute to your look, but deploy them in small enough amounts that it feels like your little secret? Scared You want to dress like Sarah Jessica Parker, Tilda Swinton, Sharon Stone. Can you be gradual about trying the new style? So, back to you. Style rookie. The Budget Babe. Über Chic for Cheap. WICKED THRIFTY.