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Blogs. 105 Twitter Apps for PR. Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool. Making the site even more useful for public relations and networking are the myriad of third party applications that seem to be multiplying at an exponential rate. Rarely does anyone just use the website . . . now you can tweet from your iPhone, your desktop or even within your browser. These applications are quite valuable for anyone looking to promote their business and if you are in the market for something that will make business and publicity just a bit easier, then this list is for you!

Advertising for Cash 1. AdCause matches advertisers with publishers (twitter users). 2. When you purchase impressions, your Twitter profile is displayed on the Twitter apps in the network. 3. 4. 5. 6. Business 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. How Big is Facebook? Mark Ghuneim, (@mediaeater) is the Founder/CEO of digital marketing agency and technology incubator Wiredset and social media tracking service Trendrr.

It’s amazing to think just a few short years ago the “interweb” was abuzz with the dominance of FriendsterFriendster reviews , YouTubeYouTube reviews was a simple beta test of cat videos, and the word tweet was only used to describe the sound of a bird. Changes to the social web continue to accelerate, with new generations joining the party and new platforms changing the way we communicate. Looking for Mr. Goodtweet: How to Pick. At 10:15 pm I discovered that I had not brought a Macbook power supply on the trip. I was in a hotel on Coronado Island, and early the next morning I was flying to an aircraft carrier off San Diego for an overnight visit. I doubted that the carrier had Macbook power supplies laying around, so I was in trouble. I posted a message to Twitter that I was in this predicament, and within ten minutes, five people offered to bring me a power supply. I took one of them up on the offer, and he delivered it to me within an hour.

This illustrates the practical implications of a large following on Twitter. Tip 1: Follow the “smores (social media whores*).” Tip 2: Send @ messages to the smores. Tip 3: Create an effective avatar. If you have access to cool image tools, then create an avatar that raises the question, “How did he do that?” Tip 4: Follow everyone who follows you. Having said this, when you get to more than fifty or so followers, it’s impossible to read what all your followers tweet. How to Really Use Twitter (and not annoy your followers) « The F. At Last: A Twitter Handbook! Thanks to the great folks at HubSpot, here, for your hot little hands, is “How to Use Twitter for Business: A Beginner’s Guide.”

This 25-page illustrated PDF (attached) has all the tips and tricks you need to know to market your company or nonprofit organization effectively on Twitter. Yes, that includes those hard-to-master Twitter commands! With this guide, we are all going to become Twitter Samurai! Woo hoo! Helpful Hints on What (and What Not) To Tweet Check out page 14 for ideas on what to tweet about, including what you’re reading, links to a cool video, blog posts, or helpful articles. How Personal Should You Be on Twitter? Note: there is nothing on that list about your posting about your favorite cheese. Page 19 explains how to do this. Okay, I am just kidding about the movies. Be Mindful of Your Community Hopefully, this Guide (and my post) will cause people to stop replying to individual people publicly, which is a personal pet peeve of mine.

Premier Social Media. All You Need to Know to Tweet on Twitter. Revision3.