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Tutorial - Come realizzare uno Startrail - la guida definitiva ‹ by Emanuele Follesa - Fotografia Naturalistica - Fotografia sportiva - Fotografia notturna - Startrail - Portrait - Ritrattistica - Fotoamatore tra le province di Varese, Novara, Il tutorial che segue è dedicato a tutte quelle persone che vogliono cimentarsi nella tecnica fotografica denominata Startrail (il termine tradotto in italiano starebbe per “scia di stelle”). Potete trovare esempi di questa tecnica nella sezione Night Photography del mio sito. Innanzi tutto, prima di cimentarci in uno Startrail, ci sono alcuni fattori da prendere in considerazione: Il cielo deve essere privo di nubi/nebbia o altri fenomeni; consultate più siti web a riguardo.Bisogna tenere a mente l’inquinamento luminoso della zona in cui andremo ad eseguire i nostri scatti.

Più ci si allontana dalle città o si sale di quota, più si otterranno risultati soddisfacenti, ecco perché molti si “rifugiano” in alta montagna o dentro vallate buie, lontani dal caos e dalle luci delle città.La fase lunare in atto quel particolare giorno. Ora passiamo ad elencare tutto quel materiale non-fotografico che sarebbe utile avere con sé: Una volta avviato il programma vi apparirà l’interfaccia sottostante: Application. What does it do? You can load the Images and optionally some dark.frames (will be averaged and subtracted automatically if exist). If there are some images you don’t want you can uncheck them. Zooming into the images is done with the mouse-wheelOptionally you can average some of the images to get a better signal to noise ratio for the sky-background or the foreground. This averaged image is brightend internally and at the end of the processing blended in "lighten"-mode into the resulting image The resulting image can be saved in Jpeg,TIFF or BMP format Another feature is the creation of a time-lapse movie as an "AVI"-fileOf course this feature can be used to create any time lapse movie, not only starmovies..

System requirements: As it is developed in C# you need the Microsoft .NET framework installed. Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4 Redistributable Package If you are interested in using Startrails you can download it here: (1MB) 29th July, 2013:New: Falling stars! History: What Happens When You Take A Long-Exposure Picture Of A Christmas Tree While Zooming Out. As important as the holidays are for celebrating with friends and family, they’re also a good opportunity for people to show off their creativity. And if you’re not into holiday crafts, try your hand at creating some incredible long-exposure photographs like these people on Imgur and Reddit did! It all started when one user posted an interesting picture of his keyboard on Reddit. He took a long-exposure photograph of his illuminated keyboard and zoomed the picture out, creating the illusion that the letters had flown out of the board towards the viewer.

Other users responded with the same method applied to their Christmas trees. It looks like the lights are exploding off of the tree! If you have an SLR camera, try to take some pictures like these. Long Exposure + Zoom Out Source: Source: Source: Spinning Tree + Long Exposure Source: Same Spinning Tree + Long Exposure + Zoom Out Long Exposure + Zoom Out + Camera Spin Source: Source: 1. SLR Camera Tips & Info. 10 Tips for the New Digital SLR Photographer.

I started shooting photography with an SLR (single lens reflex) camera about 23 years ago. I was 15 and my parents bought me a Sigma camera and allowed me to enroll in a summer photography course at the local junior college, Glendale Community. I was the youngest kid in the class and found it one of the most exciting things I’d ever done. Watching a print come to life, when developing in a darkroom for the first time, is an amazing and exciting experience. Although I haven’t done much developing in the past few years, that summer began a love affair with the camera for me that has never stopped. Today I shoot with a much more expensive Canon EOS 5D, a fantastic full frame digital that has so much more capability than my old Sigma ever did.

I’ve had a lot of cameras in between and have taken literally hundreds of thousands of photos between when I started out and today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Flickr will also give you a lot of great ideas and ways to shoot that others are using today. 6. 7. 8.