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Chaise brodée. One curbside find + an idea + three days of stitching = my favourite craft project ever. There is something so satisfying about finding a discarded object, giving it some special attention and turning it into something covetable. Apart from my time, this project cost me nothing at all. I had all the supplies left over from other projects, which is the best kind of crafting I think. Here is how I made it… I found this beautiful hand woven cane web chair on the side of the road, it was nice and solid but a little weathered. I gave the wood a light sand with some fine sandpaper and a light coat of danish oil. Using some yarn I marked out the center line of the weave on both the seat and back of the chair to help me center the design. Here is what the back of the stitching looks like, as you can see I haven’t used any knots to fasten the yarn, but rather let the stitching itself hold the loose ends securely. Some close ups… and the final reveal. Do you love it? Related.


Étagères palettes. Lampe féerie. L’artiste américaine Anila Quayyum Agha, qui est née et a grandi au Pakistan, nous livre cette magnifique oeuvre baptisée « Intersections » ayant le pouvoir de transformer une simple pièce en un palais féérique. Cette oeuvre réalisée avec des panneaux de bois sculpté est inspirée de l’Alhambra, qui est pour l’artiste, un vrai symbole de mixité entre l’art, la culture orientale et occidentale. Pour en savoir plus sur Anila Quayyum Agha, cliquez ici Photos © Anila Quayyum Agha Pin It Pin It. Lampes films. Étagère à peintures. Meuble métal recustomisé. Objets détournés. Jardins miniatures. Gravure sur feuilles d'arbres.

L’artista spagnolo Lorenzo Duran si avvale delle foglie come tela per le sue incisioni. Dopo il lavaggio e l’essiccazione, rimuove con precisione chirurgica ed estrema cura i segmenti in eccesso, usando una tecnica simile a quella del tradizionale paper cutting. Quest’ultimo passo è ovviamente il più difficile vista la fragilità del materiale scelto, il risultatò di questo processo è una serie di affascinanti disegni geometrici incredibilmente belli e dilicati. Grazie a Francesca per il suggerimento. via:

Chouettes et hiboux

Lapins galets. Art papier. Dessous-de-verre, etc. avec rondelles plates en métal. Déco contes en fil de fer. Œuvres en cuir. Official poster of the SXSW Film Festival 2014 (Austin, Texas). In collaboration with Gravillis. Austin's symbols : - Paramount Theater - Food Trailer Parks - South Congress Bridge bats (- The Texas Capitol) "Our goal was to create a poster that did not feel like it could be easily digitally reproduced. Ultimately, we wanted to embrace the 'do-it-yourself' ethos that SXSW has shown each year with their creative and imaginative footprint at the festival.” -Gravillis Inc. Direction, Crafts, Illustration2014 The French NGO Ecofolio, who works to show the benefits of recycling, asked the agency June21 to promote this idea in a national print campaign.

In addition to this, the creatives planned a two parts teasing campaign. The first part consisted in encouraging passers-by to dispose their waste papers in a unique billboard placed in front of the Opera Garnier in Paris. Organisateur latéral pour lit. I’ve had this Bedside Organiser on my To Do list for well over a year. I don’t know what took me so long because it’s awesome and has made my space so much more pleasant to be in. I’m not a very organised person and can sort of ignore a moderate amount of mess, but after a while it gets me down, so it was time to do something about it. This Bedside Gadget Caddy is designed to hold everything that I like to keep on hand so I’ve designed it to suit my needs.

Originally (last year) I was just going to make a pocket for my iPad but I’m quite happy that I waited and made a caddy to hold everything, as you can see from the picture below, I really had to sort out the clutter situation. You can use my exact pattern or adjust it slightly to fit your space and gadget holding requirements. I’ve been saving this piece for the perfect project, now I get to enjoy it every day. You will need: How to: I’ve broken the instructions up into a few stages to make it easier to follow Cutting Assembly How to use. Tapis ronds en fils de tissus. The response to my Scrap Fabric Twine tutorial a few weeks ago was overwhelming. It seems to have captured everyone’s imagination. I think the beauty of twine making is that it requires no special tools, although some commenters were very keen to try it using spinning wheels or electric drills to speed up the process.

So many people asked me what the twine can be used for. Well I suppose what ever you use yarn or rope for is a good answer. Some suggestions were basket making, crochet, weaving, macrame, cording for garments…the list is endless, but I was drawn to my sewing machine (as usual) and wanted to see how it sewed together. I started sewing circular disks as an experiment really, I didn’t have anything particular in mind, but as the circles grew, the idea for a spiral mat was born. You will need: Scrap fabric twine, lots and lots of it! How to: 1. 2. Hint: Starting is the trickiest, you can sew a little cross shape over the center to make it more secure. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Related. Chemin de table en patchwork. I’ve used an ingenious but easy construction technique to assemble this rainbow hued Patchwork Hexagon Table Runner. After making hundreds of Paper Pieced Hexagons, and sewing them all together, I thought a table runner was a nice project that would to show them off to their full potential and that I could see and enjoy every day.

Hexagon project edges can be tricky to work with, I didn’t like the idea of squaring off the sides, as I’d lose the beauty if the zig zag edges, and binding all those corners wasn’t an option, so it took me some thought to devise my construction method. I like to imagine all the steps in my mind, truth be told, I wasn’t even sure it would really work until the final stages when it all came together perfectly. I’ve share some tips to keep your hexagons organized as well as a few methods of stitching them together. You could also make coasters and place mats with the same method. You will need: How to: Next comes the fun but time consuming part. Related. Dessous-de-verres en Tricotin.

French Knitting (or Dolly Knitting) is usually is usually the first foray into knitting that most of us have had as kids. Do you remember making long lengths of long knitted cords and then thinking “What do I do with these now?”. It’s a question I get asked all the time, so being a crafty sort of gal I thought I’d take on the challenge and create something useful – Behold the French Knitted Knotty Coaster, inspired by nautical knots and all things ropey. ” Thanks to Nuffnang and Spotlight” I’d totally forgotten about French Knitting and was re-inspired to try it again after receiving a wonderful goodie bag from my friends at Spotlight during a conference that they kindly supported in Sydney.

It was filled with all sorts of yarn and patterns, but the item that I was keen to play with was an Automatic French Knitting Machine. Imagine just turning a handle and magically knitted cord appears! The bag also contained a lovely range of variegated cotton yarns from their new Mornington range. Sac à main. Moi, mon sac à main, c’est le même que Marie Poppins! On peut y trouver une paire de gants (même en plein été), des lunettes de soleil (même en plein hiver bien gris), des pansements et des billes d’arnica (éléments indispensables quand on a des enfants!) , des dizaines de stylo, mes 3000 cartes de fidélité, une lime à ongle, une mini lampe de poche (très utile quand on se retrouve complètement dans le noir dans des escaliers au 5ème étage d’un immeuble, je vous assure!)

, des billes et des cailloux (« Maman, tu peux mettre mes trésors dans ton sac juste 5mn? »), des photos, des clés, des dessins, au moins 5 paquets de mouchoirs (je suis le distributeur familial…), un mètre de couturière (ah ça, obligée!) , des bonbons, un sac à course, et beaucoup d’autres choses qui sont super utiles et dont je ne peux absolument pas me séparer même si je ne sais plus très bien ce que c’est ni à quoi ça sert/servira/m’a servi…. Donc vous l’aurez compris, il me faut un grand sac à main… Aller, soyons fou! Sac à tarte. – « Allooooo?? Vous êtes libres samedi soir? Vous venez manger? » – « Ouiiii, super! – « Apportez le dessert, tu sais, la tarte de ta tante Yvonne, je l’adoooore! Aïe, aïe, aïe, la tarte de la tante Yvonne, c’est vrai qu’elle est délicieuse mais comment faire pour la transporter sans tout se renverser dessus?

Comment être chic et sans tâche tout en apportant un dessert succulent?? Bon sang, mais c’est bien sûr!! Le sac à tarte!! C’est comme un sac, sauf que ça a juste la taille d’un plat à tarte et que ça permet de bien la porter à plat sans faire de dégâts! En plus, comme elle est doublé en molleton, la tarte reste bien chaude et arrive chez vos hôtes comme si elle sortait juste du four! S’il y a une tâche, ce sera sur le sac et coup de chance, il passe à la machine!

Bien protégée dans son sac de transport, la tarte de tante Yvonne vous fera briller en société par sa saveur et non plus par ses éclaboussures sur votre robe de soirée! J'aime : J'aime chargement… T-shirt Tie and Dye. Dévidoires à rubans. Livre en tissu. Il était une fois, une petite fille qui se promenait dans un bois.

Au détour d’un chemin, elle aperçut une belle maison rose au toit de tuiles bleues…. Toc, toc, toc, il y a quelqu’un?? Allez, je suis trop curieuse, j’entre! Mmmmm chouette, il y a plein de bonnes choses à manger dans le frigo! Çà tombe bien, je meuuuuuurs de faim… Je mets la dinde à cuire dans le four… et je commence par le dessert! Whaaaaa mais c’est qu’il est déjà tard, j’ai trop sommeil moi! Eeeeeh mais on est trooop bien dans ce lit tout douillet! Mais comment je vais faire pour dormir sans mon doudou?? Heureusement, il y a tout ce qu’il faut dans l’armoire… Dors bien ma princesse…… Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, je prendrais bien un p’tit bain moi… Hop, j’enlève ma robe et je saute dans la baignoire….

Trop chouette! Un p’tit coup d’œil dans le miroir et je serai toute prête pour de nouvelles aventures! Celui-là a déjà été adopté… … mais d’autres livres ne demandent qu’à exister! J'aime : J'aime chargement…