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Homemade Sunscreen. Thank you for visiting Little House in the Suburbs. Please subscribe and you'll get great simple living tips and how-to articles delivered to your inbox, for free! Just in time for winter! Sunscreen recipe! My timing might not be particularly awesome. This recipe makes a sunscreen that contains emollient ingredients as well as zinc oxide. 6 T. avocado oil 3 T. shea butter 1 T. beeswax 1 tsp. soy lecithin 1 capsule vitamin E 1 T. aloe vera gel 2 T. zinc oxide 3-5 drops essential oil (optional) Melt the shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler. Wisk in the avocado oil, lecithin, aloe vera gel, zinc oxide, and essential oil. (I like to whir it in the food processing container of my immersion blender.) This sunscreen leaves a white sheen on skin from the zinc oxide, but it is not opaque. I get my zinc oxide from a company called Essential Wholesale, but it is available from other soaping/cosmetics type suppliers as well.

A Recipe for Natural Homemade Sunscreen. With spring here, and the anticipation of outdoor adventures on the horizon, now’s the perfect time to start talking about natural protection from the sun! We all know that protecting our skin — the body’s largest organ – from the sun is super important; but sadly, so many of the commercially-prepared sunscreens on the market are laden with harmful chemicals that could actually end up exposing us to the very toxins we are trying to protect ourselves from. The good news is…there are ways to make your own natural sunscreens at home – not only will this save you money, but it will give you greater peace of mind in knowing exactly what has gone into making it.

Tips for Natural Sun Protection One hundred years ago the majority of jobs involved working outdoors yet the sunscreen craze was no where to be found – neither was skin cancer. Sure, there were a few cases, but it’s interesting to me that with the increase sales of sunscreen the rate of skin cancer has also increased. Raspberry Seed Oil. Homemade Sunscreen Recipe- Sun Protection without the chemicals. Most sunscreens contain toxic ingredients or endocrine disrupting chemicals that in many cases may actually promote skin cancer growth and free radical production in the body. In fact, in the years since sunscreen use began, skin cancer rates have actually risen, and a 2007 document from the FDA stated that: “ The FDA is not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer ” In fact, many reports show that most sunscreens actually raise skin cancer risk .

Even natural commercially available sunscreens often have toxic ingredients! Check out your brand here ! Considering many people these days are actually Vitamin D deficient , I consider lack of sun exposure to be a much bigger problem than too much exposure. As a society, we’ve literally cut off our nose to spite our face when it comes to sun exposure. In most cases, my approach to sun exposure is to get adequate daily exposure, without getting close to the point of burning. How to Make Natural Sunscreen : Ask Crunchy Betty: Homemade Sunblock and Skin Protection. Ask away, crunchies ... You have questions. In fact, I have an entire folder full of emailed questions from you. I receive several a week. Sometimes several a day. You scare me. (Not really. Anyway, after the one I received today, a lightning bolt of DUH hit me.

For the record, for the last few weeks, I haven’t even answered them privately, I’ve been so overwhelmed. So, new policy: I will most likely NOT answer questions privately, unless the questions are accompanied by witty one-liners I can steal and use elsewhere to make me seem smart. I will, however, choose questions from the list in my mailbox to answer here. Please, though, use my email to send me any questions. – mark it, remember it, use it, tattoo it on your lower back. So to kick things off, here’s a question I received this weekend. Horses, like the sun, are magical. Any ideas? Also, I’ve searched the site for sunscreen ideas, but cant seem to find any. Natural Ingredients That Offer Sun Protection. How To Make Homemade Sunblock & Homemade Sunblock Recipe | Sun blocks are vital part of skin care regimen since to prevent the skin from tanning and age signs. Plus it does the protection from UV rays as well which can cause some serious skin problems and allergies.

So if you wish to make your own sun block that can suit your skin type and demands, then here are some ideas. The best thing about these is that these are herbal which is why they are a side effect free. So to avoid the skin from sun burning, the first remedy to make your own sun screen lotion is here. Take the cucumber in squeezer and mix it up with all the rose water and glycerin. In this you require to have 2 tsp of jojoba oil, walnut or almond oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax of all same quantities, 3 tsp of rose water, 4 tsp sesame oil and finally 25 drops of carrot seed essential oil. Then take Luke warm water with aloe vera gel and some rose water and dissolve them well. Add carrot seed essential oil and blend it along with other ingredients thoroughly.

Lexie Naturals: Homemade Natural Sunscreen (and Diaper Cream) Note: We currently sell this SunLotion in our online store. It is a seasonal item so we do not restock once summer is over. Visit our store to see what's available and purchase.Our family has a history of skin cancer, so we are pretty adamant about wearing sunscreen when we will be in full sun for a long period of time (for more information about sun screen vs. sun exposure check out this post). But have you read the ingredients list on your sunscreen lately? I did for the first time this summer, and I was not pleased. The ingredients are linked to online stores where they can be purchased.

What you'll do: 1. 2. 3. Homemade Sunscreen Lotion Bar Recipe. I’ve had fun lately creating a lot of different varieties of lotion bars . I started with the basic recipe and realized that the options were truly endless for variations. Another of my favorites so far is the sunscreen bar! It’s basically a bar version of my homemade sunscreen, and it avoids all the chemicals and potential carcinogens in regular sunscreen .

It’s also easier to apply, since it is in a bar (use it almost like soap) and easier for kids to do themselves. I’d also encourage experimenting with how much coverage you want based on how much Zinc Oxide you add to the recipe, as this will be a smoother and thinner (and more waterproof) coverage than the basic sunscreen recipe . Sunscreen Bar Ingredients: How to Make: Combine all ingredients (except zinc oxide and essential oils if using) in a double boiler, or a glass bowl over a smaller saucepan with 1 inch of water in it. Turn the burner on and bring water to a boil. Gently stir by hand until essential oils are incorporated.