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Student blogger for hire: here’s how to do it | College-Startup. A couple of months ago, Ryan wrote an extensive post about the 7 High-Potential Online Opportunities for College Students. The first of those 7 things is being a blogger for hire. However, is such a venture really lucrative? This post contains tips on how being a hired gun (for blogging) can work. Here’s a quote from that post: If you’ve got reasonable writing skills (most college students do!) , regardless of what you’re studying, blogging for hire is a nice way to earn a bit of extra cash.Pros: Writing for someone else for pay means that you probably don’t have to worry about a lot of the non-writing tasks. With that in mind, here’s how to successfully go up the blogging ladder: First, you need a portfolio. Your existing blog. Then, you need to write a good cover letter.

No spelling or typographical errors. Look for a job. Problogger job board This board is run by Darren Rowse, one of the web’s most prolific and respected bloggers. Find out how you’ll be compensated. Related Articles: Word Count Journal. DreamtobeYali. Open Medicine.