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Cathy Tsering

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Books. Science- anatomy. Homeschool science. Health and PE. Fonts. Museum info. Ancient Civilizations. Lesson devt. The Giver. Greenville. MLA. Academic articles. ESL resources and providers. Smoke Signals ideas & questions. Hunger games ideas. Homeschool resources and materials 2. Recipes. Apps. Ed tech. Language learning. Interesting articles. My art. Tibet, Tibet Education. Art Education and Creativity.

TESOL/ESL ideas. Game Plan. Level: Upper intermediate+/mature students Location: Computer room Skills Focus: Reading/writing (reading comprehension check) Language focus: Reading Game: McVideo Game This is simulation game is a parody of the fast food chain McDonalds taking quite a negative view of the production process which you, the plater, become implicit in.

Game Plan

General ed tech and digital literacy. The Teacher's Guides To Technology And Learning. Welcome to the official guide to technology and learning by Edudemic!

The Teacher's Guides To Technology And Learning

This part of Edudemic is meant to offer you, the teacher, some of the best and most popular resources available today. We’ve combed through hundreds of resources in order to narrow down our guides into something easy to read, easy to use, and easy to share. Below are links to the guides we have made so far. Visual aids and templates. Myrmes. In Myrmes , originally shown under the name ANTerpryse , players control ant colonies and use their ants to explore the land (leaving pheromones in their wake); harvest "crops" like stone, earth and aphids; fight with other ants; complete requests from the Queen; birth new ants; and otherwise dominate their tiny patch of dirt, all in a quest to score points and prove that they belong at the top of the heap, er, anthill.


After three seasons of scrabbling and foraging, each ant colony faces a harsh winter that will test its colonial strength. In game terms, each player has an individual game board to track what's going on inside his colony – that is, whether the nurses are tending to larvae or doing other things, where the larvae are in their growth process, what resources the colony has, which actions are available to workers when they leave the colony, and so on. Readings AMTESOL.

American TESOL Shelly Terrell & Ed Tech

Find, create and share lesson plans and teaching tools to empower your classroom. Playing History. Category: Lessons With Games - ELT Sandbox. Game-Based Learning Units for the Everyday Teacher. Game-based learning (GBL) is getting a lot press.

Game-Based Learning Units for the Everyday Teacher

It is an innovative practice that is working to engage kids in learning important 21st century skills and content. Dr. Judy Willis in a previous post wrote about the neurological benefits and rationale around using games for learning. Game-based learning. Homeschool curriculum & support materials. Teaching with Videos. Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age.