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PiNG. PiNG : digital culture and ressources. Publié le 6 décembre, 2008 As an association providing resources and as a hotbed of innovative projects, PiNG advises, accompanies and supports initiatives that enable people to identify, experiment and evaluate the social and cultural practices of multimedia. The associative project comes in four types of skills – Support, Training, Creation, Territories and Networks.

Through its activities, PiNG enhances the cultural dimension of digital practices, seeing them as tools to access culture and knowledge, tools to express oneself and create, tools of mutualisation and cooperation. . - PiNG supports the cultural, sociocultural, artistic, educational structures and the public bodies that wish to set up a multimedia project and/or integrate digital tools to their activity. - PiNG develops spaces of experimentation, pedagogy and mediation using the digital creation.

And in a transverse way, PiNG develops resources online but also physical ones directed towards bearers of multimedia projects. Shared creation with elderly people. Galerie photo Atelier 12 janvier 9 Photos Atelier 9 février Atelier création 15-19 mars 42 Photos Vernissage 19 mars 8 Photos Atelier du 2 avril 7 Photos Atelier du 7 mai 6 Photos Atelier-création 14-16 juin Vernissage 18 juin Visite à Scopitone Atelier du 21 octobre 10 Photos Atelier du 23 novembre Atelier-création 6-10 décembre 16 Photos Atelier du 14 janvier Atelier du 18 février Vernissage expo reNUM 22 Photos Powered by WordPress.

Bootcamp FabLab at Ping. Voilà la mise à jour ! (à voir en plein écran pour avoir les éventuelles commentaires) Pour la reprap, c'était presque parfait, ne restait plus qu'un malheureux bug avec la sonde de température, mais au final preuve qu'on peut combiner prusa+gen6+alim ATX et beaucoup d'improvisation. Du coup on peut dire que c'est la CNC qui a gagnée la course, hâte de la voir en fonctionnement en mode fraisage (l'occasion de jouer avec madMeshMaker ?)

Je vous conseille également le compte-rendu de Nod-A (par ici : sinon en plus du "photojournal" voici quelques autres trucs :) -- On s'étaient répartis le travail sur les différentes machines et la doc, pour ce dernier point un outil semble assez sympa : Une sorte de wiki collaboratif qu'on peut exporter en pdf, prêt à être imprimé -- Pour le réseau de visio-conférences des. Kër Thiossane. Session BOOKSPRINT ARDUINO à Kër Thiossane du 19 au 23/10/2011 Du 19 au 23 Octobre 2011, s’est tenu dans les locaux de Kër-Thiossane un booksprint sur Arduino.

Le booksprint, initié par Tomas Krag et affiné par Adam Hyde, est une session de travail intensif qui rassemble divers co-rédacteurs dans le but de produire un manuel en une semaine. La rédaction du manuel se fera sur la plateforme Flossmanuals ; un site web consacré à l’écriture collective d’ouvrages sur les outils libres. Arduino est une plateforme de développement en matériel libre (carte électronique) et en logiciel libre destinée à la création artistique interactive.

Ce booksprint sur Arduino verra la participation des co-rédateurs : -Kossiagn Roland ASSILEVI ; Formateur numérique -Mamadou COULIBALY ; Formateur numérique -Maurin DONNEAUD ; Designer interactif -Cédric DOUTRIAUX ; Artiste Multimédia et formateur -Simon LAROCHE ; Artiste, enseignant et designer interactif et de la facilitatrice : Ci*diguente » ci*diguente. Media lab. Media lab (often referred to as new media lab, media art lab or media research lab) is a term used for interdisciplinary organizations, collectives or spaces with the main focus on new media, digital culture and technology. Discussion of the definition[edit] The definition of media lab is widely discussed and is open for debate. The term can describe a space, a cultural organization as well as a community or a way of working in which collaboration and experimentation plays a crucial role. Media labs are usually: multidisciplinary: they gather participants of multiple disciplines and of diverse professional backgroundsopen: they stimulate open knowledge exchange and sharing in the spirit of free culture, often using or producing open source softwares.experimental: the outcome of projects is often not defined before they are started.

History[edit] In the early 90's medialabs often created new technology, often with the goal of opening it up to a broader group of users. Activities[edit] Openatelier PiNG nantes. Open Atelier Orléans. Open Ateliers Marseille. Samedies: Femmes et logiciels libres. Dakar Routines de Rencontres - Constant. Viernes Openlab 2011-2012. It is a space for the encounter of (sub)groups interested in specific topics and projects always considering the possibilities of the cross-collaboration among these groups.

Each activity is what configures Openlab Fridays a group (more or less identified) of Medialab-Prado's community of local users. Openlab Fridays 2011-2012 Working Groups OpenFab: Our activities revolve around the fabrication of physical objects through virtual models/designs. Our objective is to learn and work with modeling/design 2D and 3D tools as well as machines that allow us to bring these models and designs to reality in addition to encouraging the DIWO work model. Nowadays we are working on the creation of prototypes using a 3D Thing-O-Matic printer. [+info] VLab 4D: The Group for Advanced Experimental Visualization was created in 2010.

Sentient City Lab 2011: A workshop on intelligent cities. Cook it yourself! C.i.r.e: Computer Club, robotics and electronics. > Ver gasto de la actividad durante 2009 (pdf) MásterDIWO. FictionLab. Based-on-Pig. LabtoLab. LabSurLab. Cuisinette. Mapping Medialabs in Europe. L2L documentary film. LGRU | Libre • Graphics • Research • Unit.

Catherine Lenoble (FR) Catherine Lenoble was the first resident of Pixelache Micro-Residencies, during 19-26 February 2012. - See Catherine’s chapter on Pixelache Micro-Residencies’ booki - Blog post reflecting on the Residency - See below the maps produced by Catherine during her residency Catherine Lenoble is a French cultural producer and author based in Nantes. Through her work at PING (‘resource organisation’ at the intersection of creation, society and technology) during the past 6 years, she has been networking ideas and people through art and cultural projects, informal educational programmes and collaborative editorial works, both locally and internationally. She has published an experimental novel petitBain in 2010 and in parallel a website offering free access to the texts. She also regularly contributes to editorial projects, on and off-line. From 2009 to 2011, meetings, workshops and seminars took place in Budapest, Madrid, Brussels and Nantes.