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Facebook Twitter Make your own jellyfish in a bottle. ~ Note for Thai fans ~ เป็นโพสเก่าที่มีแฟนบล๊อกจากต่างประเทศขอมาให้เขียนเป็นภาษาอังกฤษนะคะส่วนแฟนบล็อกที่ยังไม่เคยอ่านเรื่องนี้เลย ฉบับภาษาไทยดูที่นี่ค่ะ The other day, while I was thinking to get something to put in the water bottle for Bhoom to shake for fun. I saw a plastic grocery bag next to me and then this idea popped up. I think.. well, give it a try. With some trials and errors, my little jellyfish comes alive just like I thought it would be. : ) When daddy and son first saw it, they’re surprised with their jaws wide open. Then, I asked my hubby to take pictures for this DIY Jellyfish in a bottle. Things you need to make your own jellyfish (Hope you can find all these in your kitchen) : 1.

. • Now you’ll get the head balloon part and the remaining will be its tentacles. When finished, you’ll get something like this (the left pile is all the pieces we cut off) • Put some water into the head part to make it be able to sink (see picture 7). The Smell EraserHousing a Forest. Kaleb was given a Super Stinky Experiment Kit a while ago.

The Smell EraserHousing a Forest

I was a little leery of the “super stinky” label, but since The Smell Eraser experiment involves spices from the kitchen I decided it was probably the safest of the bunch to try first. Materials to build your own Smell Eraser: 2 paper cupsSharpieGround CinnamonCocoaTeaspoonWaterSpoon for stirring Using the sharpie pen, mark one cup “A” and the other cup “B” Make-your-own "Lava" Lamp. I'm embarrassed to even admit how much time I've spent on Pinterest this summer.

Make-your-own "Lava" Lamp

I always plan on just looking for a few cool ideas after the kids go to bed, but the next thing I know, it's 2 a.m. and my mind is spinning with all my new "pins" and the fun I'll have with them. The downside is that the kids have to deal with a tired mommy the next day, but the upside is that I find cool ideas like THIS Lava Lamp. Science. There are so many science things to do around this time of year!


My kindergartners have been learning all about seeds, plants, and flowers. Today we read "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. They just love books by him and who doesn't? Anyway, yesterday we planted lima beans. Hopefully they will grow or the kids will be C-R-U-S-H-E-D!! Here are the labels I used for the plant "pots". We also read about the water cycle in our second grade Scholastic News issue this week. A Bit Of This and A Bit Of That: How to make a thunderstorm in your kitchen. And it's not as dangerous as it sounds!

A Bit Of This and A Bit Of That: How to make a thunderstorm in your kitchen

It is actually an experiment to see how the warm and cold fronts interact. 1 art eu Art For The 21st Century By SFX. 9wdDG.jpg (Image JPEG, 480x640 pixels) Halloween science experiments. Today Science Sparks brings you lots of fun and deliciously spooky Halloween Science Experiments.

Halloween science experiments

Some of these you might have seen recently and some are from last year, all are a lot of fun! Activités pour le Préscolaire: Peinture moussante: Un volcan en éruption! Nous avons fait une nouvelle expérience scientifique en y alliant le côté artistique .

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Peinture moussante: Un volcan en éruption!

Nous avons revisité l'expérience scientifique de faire érupter un volcan, mais sur papier cette fois-ci. Mon fils était extatique! Activités pour le Préscolaire: Tire la cordelette et la main bougera! Activités pour le Préscolaire: Tu gonfles mon coeur de joie! Valentine's Day is fast approaching and what better way to explore the concept of heart.

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Tu gonfles mon coeur de joie!

My son loves all scientific subjects and these days he especially loves his book Look into your body. Since then, he asked me many questions about bones and muscles and how our heart works. With Valentine's Day approaching, I liked the idea of ​​finding a way to show him how the heart works while requiring the participation of my son. I thought, thought , thought .... Then I thought I had found the solution ..... and I thought , and thought ..... Activités pour le Préscolaire: Cultiver un jardin de sel dans le coin science. How to grow a garden of salt?

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Cultiver un jardin de sel dans le coin science

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Et tombe la pluie: bricolage météo tout en relief. I must admit that I did several tests and trials to arrive at this result.

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Et tombe la pluie: bricolage météo tout en relief.

My first goal was to recreate a rain with a 3-dimensional effect. I tried different kinds of paper. Frog Life Cycle Worksheets. Le conseil de Yannick : encore plus de glu! Learn about different stages of Frog Life Cycle. Les quatre saisons. DÉCLENCHEUR ET CAUSERIE (Ouvrir – Roulette météo) Imprimez, plastifiez, puis affichez dans le local.

Les quatre saisons

Nommez un enfant qui sera la « Miss météo » de la journée. C’est cet enfant qui sera le ou la responsable de la roulette de la météo. Faites une discussion sur la température et déterminez, en groupe, où devraient être placées les aiguilles sur la roulette. « Miss météo » ira placer les aiguilles. Pour une journée où il pleut et fait soleil en même temps, utilisez les deux aiguilles, sinon placez-les au même endroit.

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Recipe to make fake snow for sensory play - Recette pour faire de la neige artificielle pour le jeu exploratoire. Here is an easy way to create a fun sensory material for the little ones. It really looks like snow and is fun to touch. Approximately, pour salt and white glue in a bowl and mix it together. The reaction is almost instantly. White glue is, grosso modo, a plastic diluted with a solvent. The salt absorbed all the water in the glue and creates a polymer with non-absorbed grain salt. Dancing OobleckHousing a Forest. My kids love trying new Science Experiments, and play recipes.

Today we decided to combine the 2 and try to make our Oobleck dance using sound waves. Springtime Science with Seeds. La découverte du monde de l'escargot. Exploding ArtHousing a Forest. The kids recently went to a VBS where they brought home fun rockets. The rockets were basically a film canister and a single Fizzy tablet. Similar to the Alka Seltzer Rockets that are all over Pinterest. The main difference is that the Fizzy’s are colored. This got me thinking that maybe we could use paint instead of water and create our own colorful exploding art. To make your own Exploding Art your will need: Free Online Educational Videos For Kids. Young children love to watch videos. If you have ever seen your child watch a favorite cartoon or kid's television show, you know how easily it can capture their attention.

You may have also noticed how much of the show they actually remember, even days, weeks or months later. At, we understand how useful kid's educational videos can be for children of all ages. When information is presented in a fun manner, kids are even more eager to learn, making their education an easier process throughout their school years and beyond.

Educational Videos for Kids. DIY – cheap and easy light box. I’ve done it! I’ve come up with a super-simple and inexpensive homemade Light Box and I’m so excited to share it with you! For months now, I’ve been drooling over all of the fabulous light tables and light boxes that have been popping up all over the blogosphere, and I knew if I thought hard enough, I could come up with a simple way to make a DIY light box using things I already had around the house. This light box isn’t as large as a light table, but it works like a charm, and it’s perfect for one or two kids to gather around. Activités pour le Préscolaire: Explorer et découvrir la table lumineuse et ses bienfaits. Quels sont les bienfaits d'une table lumineuse ou de la boîte de lumière? Activités scientifiques pour les enfants. Shamrock SproutsHousing a Forest. I found this great article on how to grow sprouts on a sponge.

We thought it would be fun to try making our own St. Patrick’s Day Chia Pets. It was so simple, and my kids loved their little shamrock sprout sponges. A household sponge (we choose green sponges)Seed packet (we used lettuce, spinach, and broccoli seeds)A water misterShallow plate Trace a shamrock shape onto the dry sponge with sharpie. Soak the sponge once again, you want the sponge to be damp, but not dripping.