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Bricos enfants. Activités pour le Préscolaire: Rainbow paint rolling glass technique - Peinturer en roulant un verre dans la peinture. This blog post is written in ENGLISH and FRENCH With spring upon us, what better than a rainbow craft! Instead of using our brushes, we painted with a glass. Avec le printemps à nos portes, quoi de mieux qu'un bricolage aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel! Au lieu de nous servir de nos pinceaux, nous avons peinturé avec un verre. We poured a little bit of rainbow paint colors on the paper. Nous avons versé un peu de chaque peinture aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel sur la feuille de papier. Here is out masterpiece after a lot of cup rolling in the paint.

Voici notre chef-d'oeuvre après maints roulements du verre de plastique dans la peinture. Commentaires? Bricos enfants. Summer crafts for kids: sun mobile. Namebows and an Easy Pattern Freebie. This week is a short one, and next week we have spring break, so we aren't reading one of our Treasures stories. Instead, my students and I have been doing a lot of math, science, and social studies... plus having some fun as we decorate our room for April :)Today I planned to do something completely different, but when I realized I left my baseball buddy patterns at home, I had to think fast. I remembered seeing a super cute and easy activity while blog stalking: Namebow Rainbows from Reagan at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits! I quickly made a cloud pattern and cut strips of colorful construction paper during snack time.

As a class we brainstormed adjectives for each letter of the alphabet. When we were done, we chose adjectives for each letter of our first names. Here's mine: I'd show you pics of our completed projects, but I don't want to put my littles' names out there and such. We also made these beyond-super-easy carrots to fill up some empty space {and time}:

Summer time crafts. I have been trying to sneak some learning into our Summer fun this year. I grabbed this book at the library and it created the perfect opportunity for us to go explore a Pond. While the book is geared towards preschool age children, I got my boys (6 and 8) involved by helping to read the book to my toddler. Pond Walk by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace I also made this little Pond Scavenger Hunt worksheet for our trip to the Pond. You can either circle or color all of the things you were able to find on your pond walk. You can download a copy HERE or by clicking on the picture below. (This worksheet is for educational purposes only. We first visited a small man made pond at a local Village shopping center (Gardner Village). My kids got up close and personal and noticed some tadpoles and small fish in the water. It was the perfect small outing for a Sunday afternoon and it got my kids pumped up to explore something bigger.

Our next adventure was at Willow Pond in Murray, Utah. Over the [Button] Rainbow | Busted Button. Over the [Button] Rainbow I’ve been seeing a lot of rainbow-inspired button art kicking around on Pinterest lately, and I thought I’d make my own. I included my fave crafty sidekick a.k.a. Kid #1. She is the best. Step 1: Put on your Christmas PJ’s and draw the outline of a rainbow. I traced a bunch of different sized lids to make it perfect. Step 2: Color in the rainbow: OMG. Step 3: Buttons+glue=me+you= Love, do you hear me? Step 4: You can add clouds, or you can write “Mercie” in swirly, pink letters.

Step 5: Frame without the glass- ISN’T THAT CUTE??? This piece of artwork would be perfect to brighten up that little spot in your hallway that needs a ray of sunshine. Now, while I’m here, I’ll share a little turquoise button tree I made for a sweet gal named Flora: ‘Flora’ is my fave girl name right now. Like this: Like Loading... About Busted Button Where Creativity and A.D.D. meet…on a blind date…under a bridge…and make a baby. Easter Egg Fireflies, Easter Crafts For Kids. (1) BRICOLAGE ENFANT/GARDERIE. (1) BRICOLAGE ENFANT/GARDERIE. Facebook. (1) BRICOLAGE ENFANT/GARDERIE. Thème de l'été. Why didn't I think of that? Ocean Theme Ideas. We created this fun mural the other day after reading the book "Hooray for Fish" by Lucy Cousins.

Ok, actually we've read the book a billion times the last several weeks. Love this book! It's a story about going along with Little Fish on a mesmerizing underwater tour of friends spotty and stripy, happy and gripy, hairy and scary, even curly whirly and twisty twirly. We like to take a pause after reading each page and decide which fish was our favorite on the page. It is fun because the author made imaginary fish reminiscent of things like a butterfly, a leaf, a heart, a star, and a peacock (all pictured below).

To make our mural we started by cutting a piece of poster board in half. I've had bubble wrap stored away for months now for this project. Then pressed it onto our paper and carefully lifted it off. After we done filling the entire paper, we had created our water background. Meet some of our fish: Little Fish (the main character) Fat fish Peacock Fish Mean Fish Fly fish 3 Fish Star Fish. Summer Nature Crafts and Activities for Young ChildrenRhythm of the Home. The summer is a time for children to ‘breathe out’ after a busy year of focused work and activity. For this reason, I recommend keeping the season as relaxed and carefree as possible while doing your best to keep a healthy rhythm to your day that the children can depend on. This daily rhythm will look different for each family but your day should include as much outdoor time as possible along with periods of both active outward play and quiet inward focus.

Following are some fun ways to incorporate seasonal crafting and fun activities into your summer plans, taken from the Little Acorn Learning childcare guides. Have fun, celebrate and enjoy this beautiful season with your children! Ask each child to bring in an empty orange juice or milk jug container. Have an adult cut two medium-sized holes on each side of the container.

Punch two holes in the top of the container and use wire or string to make a hanger on top. Place petals into food processor and run until they are ground up. (1) BRICOLAGE ENFANT/GARDERIE. BRICOLAGE enfant et garderie. (1) BRICOLAGE ENFANT/GARDERIE.