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Recette Vegan Tartare. (Pour 4 personnes)Temps de préparation 15’ – Réserver au frais de 30’ à 45’ 3 Avocats assez mûrs2 Pêchesquelque tiges de Ciboulette (ou d’Estragon selon votre goût)5 à 7 Noix1 à 2 Citrons selon la taille (verts de préférence)1 cuil. à café de Piment en poudreSel et Poivre Laver, peler puis dénoyauter les pêches et les découper en tout petits cubes.

Recette Vegan Tartare

Saupoudrer de Piment puis réserver un moment au frais. Avant de découper les avocats, préparer les autres ingrédients : rincer et ciseler les tiges de ciboulette; libérer les cerneaux de noix de la coque et les concasser “sommairement”; presser les citrons. Ouvrir les avocats en deux, ôter le noyau puis retirer la chair avec une cuillère à soupe. Découper la chair des avocats en petits dés et déposer dans un saladier. Servir alors dans des coupelles ou petites assiettes creuses en disposant le mélange avec les avocats au fond, puis les pêches (préalablement retirées du réfrigérateur) par dessus. Catering: Healthy Mini Appetizers. Don’t let your guests go hungry.

Catering: Healthy Mini Appetizers

These appetizers will ensure that your guests are fulfilled until the party starts. Food can add so much color to your wedding so don’t be afraid to pick things that are delicious and pretty. These bit size minis are on the lighter and healthier side so your guests won’t feel too full before they sit down to dinner. Get These Items 1.

Avocado, Cream Cheese, and Salsa-Stuffed Puff Pastries. Avocado, Cream Cheese, and Salsa-Stuffed Puff Pastries I had been wanting to make stuffed savory stuffed puff pastry for awhile.

Avocado, Cream Cheese, and Salsa-Stuffed Puff Pastries

Probably for the past, oh, seven years, give or take. My sister is the queen of puffed pastry appetizers but this is one of those cooking projects that just never happened for me. Until now. A shipment of locally-grown avocados that all decided to ripen on the same day and I wanted to put them to a creative use. Recette Soupe thaï au curry et lait de coco. Soupe thaïe aux crevettes et au lait de coco Recettes. Référence Ingrédients Préparation Dans une grande casserole, dorer les shiitakes avec le piment dans l’huile.

Soupe thaïe aux crevettes et au lait de coco Recettes

Saler et poivrer. Ajouter l’ail, le gingembre, la pâte de tomates, les épices et faire revenir de 1 à 2 minutes. Note Vous trouvez qu’il y a beaucoup d’ingrédients pour une recette de semaine ? Potage au chou-fleur Recettes. Bocconcinis farcis Recettes. Valeur nutritive Pour 1 portion Référence Ingrédients Préparation Égoutter le fromage et bien l'éponger sur du papier absorbant.

Bocconcinis farcis Recettes

Note. Individual Seven-Layer Dips. These Individual Seven-Layer Dips are individually portioned dips perfect for parties and get togethers.

Individual Seven-Layer Dips

No double dipping here! We keep it pretty minimal when it comes to toys for our kids on Christmas but yet somehow I feel like there’s STUFF everywhere! Anyone else feel this way? We’re swimming in Legos over here and just when I think I’ve cleaned up the last of them, I’ll step on one or one of my boys will drop their ships and Lego pieces go flying everywhere. I think my husband spent 6 straight hours on Christmas helping them build Legos. Seven layer dip is one of my favorites. All the pretty layers turn into an unidentifiable, unappetizing pile. My sister told me about the idea of individual seven layer dips as a party idea.

The great thing about seven layer dip is that you can adjust it to your personal tastes. Now, you could make these in glass tumblers too, but we are pretty casual over here so plastic tumblers are the way we roll. Smashed Avocado + Tomato Basil Bruschetta. Sometimes I find myself in an entranced state when I cook.

Smashed Avocado + Tomato Basil Bruschetta

It’s as though I get lost in the food; in the flavors, the smells, and sometimes just the simple pleasure that good food brings to my soul. I also get lost pinning things on Pinterest. Which is mostly just a distraction from what I’m actually trying to do which is work like a normal person and get to the gym. Speaking of the gym, I have an update on my Big Foot/marine/professional wrestler trainer! Uhhh… he is legit crazy (yes I just said that). What?! …Unless it’s someone really ridiculously good-looking like Pacey from Dawson’s Creek. Bruschetta is delicious and quite healthy as far as appetizers go.

However, I like good-for-you sorts of things. Goodness. They only take about 10 minutes to throw together. Annnnndddd they are vegan! Hey by the way… did you guys know that I don’t eat pork or beef? Seriously. Smashed Avocado + Tomato Basil Bruschetta Author: Monique Recipe type: Appetizer, Lunch, Healthy Prep time: Cook time: Total time: