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Trois conseils pour sexter de façon plus sécuritaire. SAFER SEXTING FOR TEENS. Why Do Guys ALWAYS Ask for Sexy Pics? Can Sexting Improve Your Relationship? Teen Sexting isn’t the Problem—Non-Consensual Forwarding of Photos Is. That's Not Cool, a national public education campaign that aims to prevent teen dating abuse, offers "callout cards" to stop unwanted sexts. For several years now, studies have consistently shown that sexting is a common fact of teen life these days. A 2011 study found that roughly 20 percent of teens digitally share photographs of themselves either scantily clad or naked. It’s also not just teens who sext: about 33 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds have sent sexy photos of themselves to someone else and a Pew Research Center poll showed that 11-22 percent of 30-somethings admit to sending sexy photos of themselves to someone else. For years now, parents have been routinely perplexed by how their kids decide to share salacious photographs of themselves, and, especially if those children are girls, how they pose provocatively for each other.

Consensual sharing of intimate images is not uncommon. People of all ages sext—but teens are most likely to forward photos. Maybe privacy. Quoted in the November issue of the Atlantic | Amy Adele Hasinoff. I was interviewed for this month’s Atlantic cover story on sexting by Hanna Rosin, and the article mentioned my forthcoming book as well! I’m really happy that Rosin articulates the consent framework that I advocate in my research. The importance of consent also comes across well in the interview Rosin did for Fresh Air about the article, and Rosin accurately describes the vital problem I’ve found with many misdemeanor sexting laws that have been passed since the panic began in 2009: most of these new laws don’t distinguish between consensual sexting and deliberate acts of harm and humiliation. In her article, Rosin also explains the problems with new misdemeanor laws very clearly: In Florida, for example, a minor who is guilty of transmitting or distributing a nude photograph or video must pay a fine, complete community service, or attend a class on sexting.

A second offense is a misdemeanor and a third is a felony. Like this: Like Loading... Oh Joy Sex Toy: The Sexy Photos Primer. “Sexting’s perverse double standard: Why girls are set up to fail” | Amy Adele Hasinoff. Oh Joy Sex Toy: Navigating Long-Distance Relationships. This is great advice, and I'm proud to say that much of it has already played a major part in the success of my relationship. My boyfriend and I are both full time students (myself in Montreal and him in Toronto) so although the distance isn't huge, our hectic schedules can often get in the way. Luckily, our time zones are the same and we get to Skype goodnight every day, and I can always count on waking up to a sweet message or picture from him. One thing that I would suggest is to Skype overnight. It's done amazing things for our intimacy...hearing the other person breathe next to you while you sleep is a huge source of comfort and can almost transcend the distance.

Although I miss him tremendously when he's not physically there, it's definitely true that the distance has pushed us to communicate like pro's, because our emotional intimacy is what we're left to focus on. Sexe, textos et ados | Yves Therrien | Société. Le sexting, mot-valise formé des mots sexe et texting ou message texte, est-ce de la pornographie juvénile? Oui, pour certaines autorités scolaires, policières et la justiciaires de certains États des États-Unis. Non, pour le professeur Peter Cumming, professeur agrégé à l'Université York et coordonnateur du programme d'étu­des sur les enfants.

Pourtant, des jeunes ont été arrêtés et font face à des accusations de pornographie juvénile, comme le rapportait The Guardian. Trois jeunes filles de Greensburg, en Pennsylvanie, qui ont envoyé des photos nues d'elles-mêmes et trois jeunes hommes qui ont reçu ces photos sont accusés de pornographie juvénile. Dans l'État du Wisconsin, un jeune de 17 ans fait face aux mêmes accusations parce qu'il a envoyé à sa copine une photo de lui dévêtu. Pornographie juvénile Appeler cela de la pornographie juvénile dépasse l'entendement, affirmait-il lors du Congrès des sciences humaines qui se déroulait à la fin de mai à l'Université Carleton, à Ottawa. Le sexto, la nouvelle lettre d'amour? | Jean-Michel Genois Gagnon | Penser l'humain. Tout d'abord, qu'est-ce que le sextage et le sexto?

«C'est l'envoi et la réception de deux types de documents. En premier, ce sont des messages écrits qui sont sexuellement explicites. En deuxième, ce sont des photos ou des vidéos de la personne nue ou semi-nue, des images sexuellement suggestives ou encore explicites», explique Francine Lavoie, professeure en psychologie à l'Université Laval à la Faculté des sciences sociales et chercheuse au Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles.

Précisons que les personnes elles-mêmes ont créé les images. «Ce n'est pas une photo des finissants du cours de natation de la Croix-Rouge. Ce n'est pas dès qu'il y a un costume de bain», ajoute-t-elle. Depuis quelques années, «le cellulaire est devenu un incontournable dans la création et le maintien des liens sociaux. Une bonne chose? Données partielles Pour ce qui est des jeunes qui ont reçu des sextos, il y a deux concepts.

Sexting Tips | Amy Adele Hasinoff. Do We Expect Too Much from Sexting? Let’s talk about Sext Baby. The Today Show recently did a special on sexting, and NBC reporter Abigail Pesta wrote a piece about it, with a video link, here. Much of the piece is based around the expert opinion of Catherine Steiner-Adair, a psychologist who wrote a book on the topic based on interviews and observations with teenage students in the U.S. In what follows, I leverage a rather harsh critique of the piece and the research that it cites. I do so because I think they show promise, but go wrong in very important ways. This critique is meant not as a fight, but as a push to researchers, policy makers, and general citizens to check their assumptions about the relationship between bodies, behaviors, and technologies. And moreover, it is an imploration to address root level issues, rather than seeking out blamable objects with naive hopes of eradicating social problems through destruction of material stuff.

Pesta’s main argument is that sexting has negative implications for both boys and girls. Sexting and self-expression | Marginal Utility Annex. Yesterday, after Nathan Jurgenson mentioned it on Twitter, I read a 2012 article from New Media and Society called “Sexting as Media Production: Rethinking Social Media and Sexuality,” by Amy Adele Hasinoff. The gist of it is that consensual sexting isn’t inherently harmful to teenagers or adults, to women or men. Nonetheless, sexting panic has been deployed to find new levers of control over female sexuality, new ways to secure female docility, negating sexting’s potential to counter the effects of other forms of gendered control. As Hasinoff details, “educational” “safety” campaigns urge teenage girls to efface their gender and sexuality in their online presentation for their own protection and shield themselves with a distrusting attitude toward any contacts online, who should all automatically be assumed to be predators.

At the same time, assertive use of social media is depicted as shameful disinhibition. Assertiveness is culturally conditioned. Like this: Like Loading... Fantastic new sexting report released today | Amy Adele Hasinoff. ACLU Sues Prosecutor Over 'Sexting' Child Porn Charges | Threat Level. The American Civil Liberties Union is helping three teenage girls fight back against a Pennsylvania prosecutor who has threatened to charge the girls with felony child porn violations over digital photos they took of themselves. In a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday in Pennsylvania, ACLU lawyers accuse District Attorney George P. Skumanick, Jr. (.pdf) of violating the civil rights of the girls. The lawsuit says the threat to prosecute the minors "is unprecedented and stands anti-child-pornography laws on their head.

" The lawsuit comes in the wake of a string of cases around the country in which teens have been arrested on child porn charges for making and distributing nude and semi-nude photos of themselves. At issue in the case are photos seized from student cellphones last year by officials of the Tunkhannock School District in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania.

The Tunkhannock case involves two photos depicting the three girls. "Teens are stupid and impulsive and clueless," he said. Photo: AP. Amy Adele Hasinoff, "No right to sext? Recent federal case avoids considering teens’ right to freedom of expression" By avoiding this discussion, the court avoids considering if child pornography laws, first drafted in the late 1970s well before the ease and availability of digital image production and distribution technologies, might pose an overbroad and unconstitutional limitation on young people’s first amendment rights. Instead of arguing that minors deserve the right to freedom of expression, the ACLU’s press releases and public statements suggest that sexting teens should not be prosecuted because they are too immature to be held accountable for their actions.

Many of their public comments about the case assert that teens are immature and foolish, which mobilizes public sympathies, but puts the ACLU in the strange position of seeking to protect some of teens’ legal rights while simultaneously affirming that teens are not worthy of the same legal rights as adults. Interview with Amy Hasinoff.