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Can Confessional Writing be Literary? Kelly Sundberg By Kelly Sundberg When I defended my MFA thesis—a collection of linked personal essays—one of my committee members, the only woman on my committee, said to me, “So many women have been traumatized on these pages.

Can Confessional Writing be Literary?

I don’t know women to whom things like this have happened. It seems a bit melodramatic.” Reading Bored White Girls. Nineteen sixty-nine was a year of historic proportions.

Reading Bored White Girls

There were the Stonewall Riots, President Nixon’s inauguration, John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Bed-in, and the Manson Family crimes. « Plafond de papier » et « manspreading » culturel. Notre époque est celle de la parité en politique, du moins comme idéal à atteindre.

« Plafond de papier » et « manspreading » culturel

À quand la parité culturelle ? Read a F*cking Book: Late Summer Reading For Queers and Feminists. In a recent essay on her bibliomania, Zadie Smith writes that summer is the most forgiving time of year for compulsive reading, as “the beach is one of the few places pathological readers can pass undetected among their civilian cousins.”

Read a F*cking Book: Late Summer Reading For Queers and Feminists

Regardless of the degree of your pathology, these brand-new and forthcoming books look both super exciting and also relevant to your interests. With essays, a cookbook, historical fiction, lesbian romance, memoir, gender studies and more in no particular order*, your to-read list is about to get even longer. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay. Something better's coming. The college girl mentality. Voyous tourmentés, religion, amours compliqués : des filles de cité écrivent. Elles ont commencé par des posts sur Facebook, et sont aujourd’hui publiées.

Voyous tourmentés, religion, amours compliqués : des filles de cité écrivent

Suivies par des milliers de fans, leurs chroniques parlent cru, mais « c’est le quartier qui est cru ». Sur Facebook , elles sont de plus en plus nombreuses à créer des pages pour raconter « le ghetto ». Des jeunes filles, qui partent de leurs expériences personnelles pour écrire des chroniques – aux allures de textes de rap – tournant souvent autour des mêmes thèmes : un quartier très sombre, des voyous tourmentés, des traditions religieuses et des histoires d’amour compliquées. Pas mal de lieux communs et dans certains cas, une écriture incompréhensible pour les non-initiés, à cause de l’argot, du verlan et même du langage SMS. Il n’empêche que certaines cartonnent et sont suivies par des dizaines de milliers de personnes. A propos des 50 000 abonnés sur sa page, elle glisse : « Au début, c’était un peu dur car les filles avaient tendance à me prendre pour une “star”.

Girls rule these books. To say some feminist protagonists are undaunted by topics like violence and bodily fluids would be an understatement: often, women writers react to entrenched sexism and misogyny by relishing the realms of life supposedly forbidden to them.

Girls rule these books

Reading their stories might make you cringe—or vomit—but their unashamed dedication to uncomfortable vocabulary and taboo topics can only make you proud to have a vagina. Others are less intense, but no less ground-breaking; subtle stories of sexual and personal awakenings achieved in spite of antifeminist environs make it clear that girls rule both worlds, the interior and the exterior. Check out our top ten picks for bad-ass female protagonists, written by authors just as empowered. Gross-out is an aesthetic traditionally (read: stereotypically) relegated to those of the Y chromosome, but here Roche’s (porno?) Graphic protagonist is 100% female and 100% disgusting. Une passion terrible... Une recension de l’ouvrage « Qui est Hélène Pedneault?

Une passion terrible...

Fragments d’une femme entière », récemment paru aux éditons Remue-Ménage. Hélène Pedneault était une écrivaine-orchestre. _ Marie-Andrée Bergeron – Aire Libre. 19 décembre 2013 6h48 · Aire Libre JEPENSE AUX TERMES DE LA RÉVOLUTION: Dans ce quatrième épisode, Marie-Andrée Bergeron nous parle de son essai Les mots de désordre aux éditions Remue-ménage. _ Marie-Andrée Bergeron – Aire Libre

Le second tournage rassemblait trois essayistes qui ont écrit sur la révolution. Suite à l’enregistrement des épisodes, Marie-Andrée Bergeron, Micheline Dumont, et Jacques Pelletier participaient le 6 décembre dernier à une causerie à la Maison des écrivains. Le public était convié à se joindre à la discussion qui était animée par Julien Lefort-Favreau. La websérie JEPENSE.TV est un nouveau canal d’information intellectuelle qui donne place exclusivement aux écrivaines et écrivains essayistes. 12 web-épisodes qui mettent en vedette des empêcheurs de tourner en rond, une communauté réelle et virtuelle où les débats d’idées sont possibles et accessibles.

L'opinion émise dans ce billet n'engage que son auteur et ne représente pas nécessairement celle du journal Voir. Reading While Female: How to Deal With Misogynists and Male Masturbation. In 2007, the magazine n+1 published a collection of conversations among writers and editors about the books they'd read and wished they'd read in their college years.

Reading While Female: How to Deal With Misogynists and Male Masturbation

The conversations involved a lot of regret: about things they'd missed out on, or misunderstood, or mistakenly believed to be good, or just generally screwed up. The Nearsighted Owl: Chub Rub Book Club #5. Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley: It was cute but I'm not sure that I want to read the whole series.

The Nearsighted Owl: Chub Rub Book Club #5

I was slightly bored with the girl chases boy theme and not much of the book went very deep. Indie music lyrics were a quirky touch. There were still a few parts that were too unrealistic for me, like when Prue was instantly not mad anymore. 7 Breathtakingly Sexist Quotes by Famous and Respected Male Authors. Yesterday, a minor Canadian novelist (and I do mean minor) named David Gilmour hung himself in an interview with Hazlitt writer Emily Keeler.

She went to his house to see his bookshelves for a regular column she writes called “Shelf Esteem.” He decided to toss off a few bons mots about why he doesn’t teach women writers — “[W]hen I was given this job I said I would only teach the people that I truly, truly love. An Open Letter to David Gilmour. Dear David Gilmour, As a woman writer I’d like to say thank you. No, honestly, thank you. Thank you for being privileged enough, culturally tone-deaf enough, and even just plain stupid enough to say that you don’t love women writers enough to teach their works in your class. Thank you for saying what so many other male professors think but are afraid to admit. Thank you for opening up this huge fucking can of worms that most people are happy enough to pretend doesn’t even exist.

Comic books

Wonder Woman: 10 super sexist moments. Wonder Woman arrived on newsstands in December 1941 with a secret mission from her creator, William Moulton Marston: represent “psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world,” as Marston himself put it. Marston believed women to be inherently superior to men and his Amazon creation lived up to that view — but not for very long. Marston moved on and his creation quickly became a symbol for numbing sexism in a puerile forum – a woman in hot pants written and drawn by men for a medium aimed at boys. Nicole Brossard: Interview with the Lesbian-Feminist French Canadian Poet. I’m perhaps not the best reader of Nicole Brossard’s new book of poems, White Piano, first published in 2011 in French as Piano Blanc and translated for this 2013 Coach House Books edition by Erin Moure and Robert Majzels. I’m not a translator, I don’t read many poems in translation and I tend to be disappointed by “innovative” poems.

(I put “innovative” in quotes, because it isn’t that I don’t like innovation in poetry, but that my sense of the “innovative” style is that “sense” is deliberately, frustratingly elusive.) But Nicole Brossard is a French-Canadian lesbian feminist, and my poetry-reading soul will always reach out to lesbian-feminist poets. Brossard is also a novelist and essayist who has published more than thirty books since 1965, including These Our Mothers, Lovhers, Mauve Desert and Baroque at Dawn. She co-founded La Barre du Jour and La Nouvelle Barre du Jour, two important literary journals in Quebec. Ms.

Chick lit

"Mon coeur est de plus en plus féministe" - Louky Bersianik (1930-2011) L’auteure bien connue des milieux littéraire et féministe, Louky Bersianik, s’est éteinte à l’âge de 81 ans, le samedi 3 décembre 2011, dans un hôpital de Montréal. Le Québec perd en Louky Bersianik (Lucile Durand) une auteure, qui compte parmi les plus grandes et les plus grands écrivains du Québec, une poète, romancière, une philosophe au sens de l’humour vif et acéré, et une indépendantiste convaincue. « J’ai su très tôt que je serais traversée par l’écriture, que ma raison de vivre serait là », avait confié Louky Bersianik à Louise Dupré dans une entrevue pour la revue Voix et images en 1991.

Photo : Kéro, 1981 Pour beaucoup, l’œuvre de Louky Bersianik représente toujours une vivifiante inspiration poétique et, pour de nombreuses femmes du Québec et d’ailleurs, une pensée phare du féminisme radical. Puis, en l976, son livre L’Euguélionne, premier grand ouvrage féministe publié au Québec, provoque une petite secousse dans les milieux littéraire et féministe québécois. Biographie. Best Feminist Books - Books.

“Are You Ready to Be Strong?” Today is International Women’s Day and to celebrate I want to share a bit about reading as a girl/woman and the woman characters from books and media that have (and do) inspire me. Since starting this blog and diving into literature in the last year or so I have been thinking about my life experiences with fiction and imagination.