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Éducation sexuelle

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Muslim Women Start Organization to Provide Sex Education. Before the #MeToo movement ignited on social media, women approached Asma Mohammed to say “Asma, me too.” Muslim women would share their stories with Mohammed, a 25-year-old Minnesotan, after her workshops hosted with the Minneapolis-based Reviving Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment network. When woman after woman continued to come forward, Mohammed decided to form a healing circle. Since November, women of all ages have revealed their accounts of sexual violence in the safe space created by Mohammed. But before Mohammed could get the healing circle off the ground, she struggled to find information about how best to help the women in her community. One organization helped change that: HEART Women & Girls. The group is now working to fill that gap and destigmatize sex education by giving members of the Muslim community a forum to discuss and learn about sexual health and sexual violence.

The women say that through their work, they are bringing feminism back to the Islam. This Is What Sex-Positive Parenting Really Looks Like. It happened yet again.

This Is What Sex-Positive Parenting Really Looks Like

As I was sitting at the table for dinner with my children, I noticed my daughter’s hand fishing around under her skirt. “We don’t play with our vulvas at the table. Go wash your hands and finish your food,” I scolded. She nodded, ran off to wash her hands, and resumed picking at her dinner instead. Small children, they touch themselves. The first time I caught one of my kids playing with their genitals, I said absolutely nothing. I thought about it almost constantly for two days, and of course she gave me a second chance to react. Want some great sex ed for not-yet or just-barely teens? Hey fellow sex educators, parents, big sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and anyone else who’s got younger people between the ages of 10 and 14 in your life!

Want some great sex ed for not-yet or just-barely teens?

There’s a new, excellent sex education resource that’s been added to the sex ed video lexicon we think you’ll be awfully glad to discover. We're sure proud to be a supporting partner. AMAZE is a series of videos expressly designed to provide accurate, fun and engaging sex, sexuality and bodies education for pre-teens and very young teens. YouTube Sex Education is Under Attack – Medium. This weekend, the New York Times featured me in an article about sex education on YouTube.

YouTube Sex Education is Under Attack – Medium

It was written by Amanda Hess, a feminist journalist. Tuning In. Positive Affirmation: Trans advocate and wizard activist Jackson Bird in his coming-out video.

Tuning In

This article appears in our 2016 Fall issue, Kids These Days. Subscribe today! “I’ve been writing this over and over and saying it in my head for years, and it might kind of be the most important video that I’ve ever made.” At age 25, Jackson Bird was already an accomplished video creator—his day job is in communications at a nonprofit called the Harry Potter Alliance, which is just as awesome as it sounds. But this video, running 12 minutes long (Lord of the Rings–length in YouTube world), was special. Native Youth Sexual Health Network - Guidelines. Outils d’éducation populaire sur les enjeux de la campagne électorale - COCo. Badass young women with disabilities create sexual health guide. What does sexual health look like for young women with disabilities?

Badass young women with disabilities create sexual health guide

A group of badass young women of color in Chicago are here to answer that question: they’ve created a sexual health guide for other young women like them. The Empowered Fe Fes are a young women’s advocacy and peer support group who are truly living into the potential of the reproductive justice framework. Using reproductive justice as a frame, these young women have created a guide for sexual health and self-determination that centers the needs of a community too often overlooked in conversations about sexuality. Sexuality and reproduction are charged issues for everyone, but especially so for people with disabilities. A history of reproductive coercion, forced sterilization, institutionalization, and other eugenic practices stemming from the ableist devaluation of disabled bodies colors every day perceptions of those with disabilities — by family members, medical providers, and society at large. Find it here! Can We Adapt Sex Ed For The New LGBT-Inclusive America?

After the recent U.S.

Can We Adapt Sex Ed For The New LGBT-Inclusive America?

Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality, the conversation within various groups in the LGBT community is “What’s next?” There is still workplace and housing discrimination. There is still police abuse and targeting of LGBT people, especially trans women of color. One possible issue on the agenda that would provide a foundation for LGBT youth to feel secure and prevent the social isolation that can lead to dropping out of school, depression and suicide, is LGBT-inclusive sex education. Projet-pilote à l'école: sextos, homosexualité et porno au menu. Ce livre pour enfants date des années 70, et il a du traumatiser des générations de gosses... WTF. Ici, on est bien loin des choux, des roses, des petits oiseaux et des abeilles !

Ce livre pour enfants date des années 70, et il a du traumatiser des générations de gosses... WTF

On prend soin d'expliquer aux enfants que les zizi du monsieur doit devenir gros et dur, pour que la petite graine soit bien poussée au fond du ventre de la madame.Si votre enfant vous saoule avec ses questions sur "comment on fait les bébés", vous pouvez décider de le traumatiser à vie en lui offrant ce livre. Parlons sexe : on veut le retour des cours d'éducation sexuelle! Je n'ai jamais eu de cours d'éducation sexuelle au secondaire.

Parlons sexe : on veut le retour des cours d'éducation sexuelle!

Oui, bien sûr, dans mon cours de Sciences et technologie en deuxième secondaire j'ai appris par cœur toutes les infections transmissibles sexuellement et comment se reproduire lolol, mais personne n'est jamais venu me parler de tout le reste.Parce que la sexualité, ce n'est pas juste des ITSS et savoir comment mettre un condom.Depuis la réforme, les cours d'éducation sexuelle ne sont plus obligatoires. Les profs ont comme mission d'intégrer ces notions à travers les cours.

Cultiver l'ignorance : la patate chaude de l'éducation sexuelle. Il y a environ deux ans de cela, ma meilleure amie et moi jasions devant un verre de vin.

Cultiver l'ignorance : la patate chaude de l'éducation sexuelle.

On a entre autres discuté de nos premières expériences sexuelles et de leur étrangeté. Tessa Hill And Lia Valente, Grade 8 Activists, Say No To Sex-Ed Protests By Ontario Parents. This article is part of What's Working, a global HuffPost editorial initiative to go beyond "If it bleeds, it leads" and double-down on our coverage of people coming up with solutions to the very real challenges we face.

Tessa Hill And Lia Valente, Grade 8 Activists, Say No To Sex-Ed Protests By Ontario Parents

At first glance, Tessa Hill and Lia Valente might seem like your average 13-year-olds. Oh, except that the Doc Martin-wearing duo (Tessa rocks pink boots, Lia's sporting white) started a petition for a school project that got more than 40,000 signatures. And it led to a meeting with Ontario's premier. And they succeeded in getting the issue of consent included in the new sex-ed curriculum. And that new curriculum sparked a wave of protests from some parents. MASTURBATION! PÉNIS : INCLINEZ-VOUS ! Shop — the betty box project. Teen student takes to Facebook to awesomely call out her school's horrible sex-ed class.