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Yoga Pants from T shirts. I recently did some clearance shopping at Old Navy. I was quite pleased because I found several nice T-shirts in the men's section for $0.97 each. I bought them knowing that my husband probably wouldn't be crazy about them and that I could turn them into something special. I've been eyeing the Warhol baby dress from Dana at Made, but after some thoughtful consideration, and some t-shirt repurposing research I decided on some yoga pants. I found this great tutorial on Cut Out and Keep. Now I love to sew, but sewing clothing is really intimidating to me.

The instructions are pretty simple. I used a shirt that was a men's large, and it ended up being a woman's size Small-Medium pant. Sorry about the goofy photos, I am not the best at taking self portraits. You can find my Sweatshirt to Lounge Short Tutorial here. Free Clothes Patterns : Craft Stew. Posted on | October 9, 2008 | 7 Comments I originally became interested in patternless sewing, many years ago, because I had a hard time finding patterns in my size. Nowadays, patterns in large sizes abound. Nonetheless, I still love my pattern free sewing.

These patterns generally of three types. One type requires you to take your measurements and draw up the pattern yourself. Skirts are very easy to make without a pattern. I came across a few patterns that didn’t fit into any other category, so I gave them their own. We normally assume underwear is too complicated or to time consuming to sew ourselves. Aprons can usually be whipped up in less than an hour. Shirts and dresses are much more complicated to make than skirts. Coats can easily be the most expensive piece of clothing in your wardrobe. Click on the first link to get inspiration. Read More : Sewing or Home Comments. DIY Wrap Bracelet. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists.

The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Clearly this arm party train isn’t stopping and it’s about time you get on board! You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times.

Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! DIY Friendship Bracelet. For several months now, we’ve been receiving emails requesting a friendship bracelet DIY. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! Today, we’ll give you a step by step tutorial on the classic chevron pattern. If you used to whip up friendship bracelets like a champ in grade school and have since forgotten how, consider this a refresher course. And if you can make these with your eyes closed and arms tied . . . umm, can we still be friends? You’ll need:embroidery threada safety pin or tapea pair of scissors Start by cutting several strands of embroidery thread at about 24 inches each. Start on the left side with the outermost color (shown here in red) and make a forward knot by creating a 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening.

Pull up and to the right to tighten. Now pick up the outermost color on the right side (show here in red) and make a backward knot, creating a reverse 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening.