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A knit and crochet community. Square-tastic! How to make them and how to join them....


H a p P y ♥ H o O k y!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Attic24. Every time I look at this yarn rainbow the very sight of it makes me soooooooo happy!!!


Isn't happy colour a wonderful, wonderful thing? I think so, I really do, I feel like I can gaze at these colours and absorb all the vibrant, happy brightness into my soul and feel the warmth radiating. Modele_type.docx. Vive le Crochet !!! Vous avez envie de créer mais vous ne savez pas trop par où commencer ?

Vive le Crochet !!!

Vous avez des modèles de tricot sous la main mais vous préférez le crochet ? Alors cet article est pour vous ! Tricot et Crochet. LE GARS QUI TRICOTE. Tricot (pearltricot :D) A knit and crochet community.