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KMO: Veranderen doe je zo | — Normaal 400 euro, dankzij Syntra Vlaanderen nu 50 euro! — Een veiliger kassasysteem. Glijdende werkuren. Een nieuwe productielijn. Dus kost je verandering meer tijd en moeite dan voorzien. Krijg iedereen mee In deze opleiding leer je hoe de menselijke kant van verandering werkt en wat dat betekent voor de verandering in jouw KMO of bij je klanten. Wat leer je? Door welke 4 herkenbare fases gaat elke verandering? We passen alles toe op cases uit jouw KMO en bedrijven van andere deelnemers. Het effect van deze opleiding Je veranderingen slagen. Voor wie? Ondernemers, kaderleden van KMO's en zelfstandigen die willen leren hoe verandering werkt in de praktijk. In goede handen Wij zijn Dave Synaeve, Werner Küper, Pascal Vanden Bossche en Katia Van Belle, de 4 gedreven consultants van Propellor.

Waar en wanneer? Dit leertraject is gespreid over zeven weken. Je kan kiezen tussen 2 parallelle trajecten. Jouw bijdrage Deze opleiding in jouw KMO? How to Moderate a Brainstorming Session. Hosting a Remote Whiteboard Session? Try These - BestVendor. Whiteboard sessions are great for brainstorming and planning, and we love tools like IdeaPaint that make it easy. But what do you do if you’re, say, brainstorming new product designs but your team is spread across the globe? Face-to-face isn’t an option, so how can you collaborate visually?

This is where virtual whiteboards come in. With a laptop or tablet, you can host a whiteboard session from anywhere with Internet access, and share it with just about anyone. Here are three tools worth checking out: Jot! An iPad is practically a whiteboard already, so it’s arguably the perfect platform for hosting your session. When you tap the Live Sharing option, you’re given the option of hosting your whiteboard in real-time. Jot! Scriblink Need a quick-and-dirty Web-based whiteboard, no software or sign-ups required? Inviting others to join is easy: You click “Get URL” or “Email”, then share your room’s address with your desired attendees. Twiddla Ready, Set, Brainstorm! Eight Rules To Brilliant Brainstorming. 1. USE BRAINSTORMING TO COMBINE AND EXTEND IDEAS, NOT JUST HARVEST THEMAndrew Hargadon's How Breakthroughs Happen shows that creativity occurs when people find ways to build on existing ideas.

The power of group brainstorming comes from creating a safe place where people with different ideas can share, blend, and expand their diverse knowledge. If your goal is just to collect the creative ideas that are out there, group brainstorms are a waste of time. You may as well stick to a Web-based system for collecting ideas. Even an old-fashioned employee suggestion box is good enough for this limited task.2. DON'T BOTHER IF PEOPLE LIVE IN FEARGroups bring out the best and the worst in people. ), SAP's (SAP ) Design Services Team, the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University, the Institute for the Future, frog design, and IDEO -- brainstorming is treated as a skill that takes months or years to master.

Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work. In the late nineteen-forties, Alex Osborn, a partner in the advertising agency B.B.D.O., decided to write a book in which he shared his creative secrets. At the time, B.B.D.O. was widely regarded as the most innovative firm on Madison Avenue. Born in 1888, Osborn had spent much of his career in Buffalo, where he started out working in newspapers, and his life at B.B.D.O. began when he teamed up with another young adman he’d met volunteering for the United War Work Campaign. By the forties, he was one of the industry’s grand old men, ready to pass on the lessons he’d learned. His book “Your Creative Power” was published in 1948. An amalgam of pop science and business anecdote, it became a surprise best-seller. “Your Creative Power” was filled with tricks and strategies, such as always carrying a notebook, to be ready when inspiration struck.

The book outlined the essential rules of a successful brainstorming session. The results were telling. The Brainstorming Process Is B.S. But Can We Rework It? The business practice of brainstorming has been around with us so long that it seems like unadorned common sense: If you want a rash of new ideas, you get a group of people in a room, have them shout things out, and make sure not to criticize, because that sort of self-censoring is sure to kill the flow of new thoughts. It wasn’t always so: This entire process was invented by Alex Osborn, one of the founders of BBDO, in the 1940's. It was motivated by Osborn’s own theory of creativity. He thought, quite reasonably, that creativity was both brittle and fickle: In the presence of criticism, it simply couldn’t wring itself free from our own minds.

We could only call our muses if judgments didn’t drag us down. You’re More Creative Working Alone Lehrer doesn’t quite explain why that happens. People in groups tend to sit back and let others do the work; they instinctively mimic others’ opinions and lose sight of their own; and, often succumb to peer pressure. Why is that? Business Studies | Case Study | Teacher & Student Resource. Famous Quotes and Quotations at BrainyQuote. Speed Meeting Icebreaker - Meet People Quickly With a Speed Meet. Have you ever heard of speed dating? It's an opportunity for people to quickly meet a large number of people to potentially date. This speed meeting icebreaker provides a similar experience for participants at a training meeting or team building session. Looking for an icebreaker that will quickly allow your training session participants to meet fellow participants?

Need an icebreaker that will warm up the group with action and movement? You’ve found the right icebreaker. This speed meeting icebreaker will accomplish both of these objectives. Plus, the speed meeting icebreaker enables your participants to succeed. Use the Speed Meeting Icebreaker With Strangers When your participants don’t know each other, ask them to number off by one and two; half your participants become ones and half become twos. Ask them to introduce themselves to the person sitting directly across the table.

Their name, what they do for a living, and why they attended the training session. More Icebreakers.