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7 Ideas to Steal from Ikea's Content Strategy. If I were to reveal a hidden talent of mine, I’d say I’m good at assembling Ikea furniture. As most Swedes, I’ve grown up with flat packages and family quarrels around mounting manuals. I’m practically born with a hexagon key in my hand. Therefore, as a devoted brand advocate, I wanted to check out Ikea’s social media strategy; I was curious to know if it is as innovative as their products.

Ikea Sweden is not on Twitter. Ikea USA tweets according to a clear content strategy. I was unpleasantly surprised when I recognized that social media accounts were not specified on Ikea Sweden’s homepage. When asking via the site’s chat function if there is a swedish Ikea Twitter account, the customer service representative didn’t know immediately. At that time, I’d already done the same search. (With that said – for those into brandjacking, there’s an almost perfect opportunity here). Ikea USA on Twitter: excellent content strategy but not social 1. Create special content around the holidays. 2. 3. 4. 4 KPI’s om social media succes te meten. Steeds meer organisaties willen social media inzetten binnen hun marketingstrategie. Maar hoe stel je het effect van social media vast?

Wanneer is er sprake van succes en hoe meet je dit? In dit artikel beschrijf ik hoe je het succes en de ROI van je inzet op sociale media kunt meten op basis van vier KPI’s. Sentiment meten? Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat slechts een klein deel (ca. 20%) van de mensen commercials gelooft, daarentegen vertrouwen veel meer mensen de mening van andere consumenten (Nielsen, 2007). Dat is dan ook waarvoor je social media in zou moeten zetten. Social media zijn zeer geschikt als vehicel waarmee vertrouwen gewonnen kan worden. Social media zijn voor de meeste online bezoekers een onderdeel van hun ‘customer journey’. Social media ROI: vier KPI’s Social segment KPI 1: engagement duration Met de engagement duration maak je inzichtelijk hoe lang een social media-bezoeker actief betrokken is bij je merk, eigenlijk is dit de lengte van de social customer journey.

80 nuttige en leuke Twitterapps. De ultieme lijst van Twitteraars met politieke macht en invloed - Technologie. Riding a road bike and wearing lycra at 6am in the morning, dodging trucks and buses doesn’t make sense to a lot of people. Swimming 40 laps in cold water just to feel alive is often avoided by most because it seems slightly masochistic. Jumping out of planes at 5,000 metres to enjoy a 60 second thrill is only done by a few because for most it is categorized as insanity. As outsiders looking in many activities may seem strange, obscure and to be avoided. Some say it makes sense to pursue these activities because it feels great when you stop and others say it is about the long term benefits.

Why Twitter is Misunderstood Twitter is a social media channel that does not make sense for a lot of people. Why be limited to 140 characters when on Facebook or your blog you can write 500 words. So why tweet when you can Facebook? At most dinner parties when discussions turn to social media , Facebook is understood and appreciated but Twitter ends up in the “Why?” A Global Reason To Use Twitter 253inShare. Twitter. Newbie's guide to Twitter | Webware. If you're not using Twitter yet, you may feel as if you've missed out. Twitter has not only tipped the tuna, but by some estimations, it has already jumped the shark. Don't be put off by its excessive popularity with SXSW geeks or by the whining of Twitter haters who missed the fun.

Twitter is an interesting and practical real-time messaging system for groups and friends. It's just not completely obvious how to get into the "club. " What is Twitter? Twitter is an online service that enables you to broadcast short messages to your friends or "followers. " Twitter is designed to work on a mobile phone as well as on a computer. Twitter is useful for close-knit groups (although there also are some fairly large mobs on Twitter). If you enter items into Twitter, they can be private, so only friends you've authorized can see them.

Twitter is free. Continue reading to learn how to get started, hook up your mobile, send your first "Tweet," follow friends, and direct Twitter. How to get started. Getting the Most Out of Twitter, No Posting Necessary. 100 Ways to Become a Twitter Power User. The Creation of Twitter Best Practices: Round 1. 8 tips hoe je meer kwalitatief goede Twitter volgers krijgt. Wie meer wil doen met Twitter dan gezellig keuvelen met totaal onbekenden besteedt waarschijnlijk regelmatig aandacht aan zijn volgers.

Wie mij vaker leest weet dat ik niet zoveel geef om véél volgers, maar dat mijns inziens de juiste volgers veel belangrijker is. Maar wat zijn de juiste volgers, en als ik dat al weet, hoe kan ik ze dan vinden en hoe zorg ik dat ze me gaan volgen? Hieronder enkele tips en tools die je daarbij kunnen helpen. Allereerst de gebruikelijke disclaimer, wij proberen je nooit te zeggen hoe iets moet, maar willen je wel helpen bij hoe iets kan. De keuze is altijd aan jou. Dat gezegd hebbende: Denk eerst na over wie je als volgers wil! Bovenstaande tips zijn zeer waarschijnlijk niet alle tips die je goede volgers op kunnen leveren. 100 Social media resources and people that you simply have to follow.

Your Twitter timeline is the main source of information that many of us rely on. There are some great listing tools out there like Wefollow and even Twitter itself is getting better at listing people but to be honest the real gems are the people you know and follow yourself. Our own main way of discovering people has always been by following conversations but we always have that nagging feeling that you are missing lots of great information by simply not having enough time to filter through all the best people to follow. We thought with the new follow button that Twitter introduced a couple of weeks ago that it would be great to make a quality list of 100 people that you can easily add to your Twitter timeline and give it a real injection of social media.

These are all the people we follow and are a huge source of the information we get so hopefully you'll find the list useful... Thought Leaders Robert Scoble Latest Blog post Gary Vaynerchuk Latest blog post Jeremiah Owyang Latest blog post. Innovation Twitter List by Braden Kelley on Listorious. De leukste Belgische Twitter accounts op een rijtje. We hadden het eerder al over Twitter, de doodsimpele dienst die toelaat in zeer korte updates aan iedereen (of enkel uw vrienden) te laten weten waar u op dat eigenste moment feitelijk mee bezig bent, via het web, instant messaging of per SMS.

We gaan u niet vervelen met een lofzang, maar willen u een aantal Belgische initiatieven leren kennen die u misschien zouden kunnen overwegen om de al te vaak onterecht als nutteloos bestempelde dienst uit te proberen. Het weer @weerman ("elke dag de heetste weerweetjes") @BelgianWeather (door mezelf aangemaakt, Engelstalige updates over het weer in Antwerpen, Brussel, Luik en Gent) Muziek @Radioo (de laatste liedjes die gespeeld werden op Studio Brussel netjes in updates gegoten - lijkt overigens een aankomend initiatief te zijn van webbureau Robarov - met dank aan Pietel voor de referentie) @FMBrussel (hetzelfde als het voorgaande maar voor de radiozender FM Brussel - aangemaakt door Peter Forret) Nieuws @tzine_nl (wat had u gedacht?)

Events. Infographic Of The Day: 3-D Model Unlocks Secrets Of Twitterverse [Video] | Co.Design. Up in the cloud-piercing reaches of the New York Times Building, Jer Thorp is breezing through the particulars of a grand experiment in data visualization, one designed to unpack the mysteries of social media for the Times and, potentially, newspapers everywhere. It’s ambitious stuff. But right now, what the experiment looks like, projected on a screen in the crisp white hallway of the R&D department on the 28th floor, is a giant galaxy of tweeting rabbis.

You’ve got @RabbiRuth, @RabbiGoldberg, and @velveteenrabbi (cute) speckled like intergalactic dust around rings that turn the Twitterverse into a stunning 3-D representation. The users are responding to a Times story by Paul Vitello about priest and pastor burnout. What you see here is a visualization of how the story has spread through one corner of Twitter, on a granular level (@RabbiGoldberg: “Another reason to take it easy on your rabbi”) and at a galactic scale. The tool lets you explore the data from various perspectives.