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Casey Hinton

artist, freelance writer & curator, founder of WORKROOM collective, and Recruitment Coordinator at OCAD University

My Garden

My best friends wedding. Masters programs. About Us. The Sunlight Foundation is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses the tools of civic tech, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all.

About Us

Our vision is to use technology to enable more complete, equitable and effective democratic participation. Our overarching goal is to achieve changes in the law to require real-time, online transparency for all government information, with a special focus on the political money flow and who tries to influence government and how government responds. And, while our work began in 2006 with only a focus on the U.S. Untitled.


Toronto local Art+Design. School/research. Misc. Jobs/careers. DIY. Daily web. Thinking. Podcasts. Books. Art. Curatology. Collections. Nostalgia. Ancestry. Digital/technology. Design. Architecture. Urban design. Maps. Infographics. Cities. Environment/sustainability. Design theory class. Funding.